Undyne's "Evening fun" (1)

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(For the fellow Author and Reader (also Sister) undertale_trash95)

Traveling to the local pub, you huffed as you grabbed your hoodie with your hand, and pulled it down to cover your face. The temperature now was becoming colder due to it being in autumn now, and this made you wear your favorite hoodie or sweater these past few days.

Walking down the chilly streets of (Town Name), you eventually arrived outside the bar you loved going to and you went inside. Stepping in you instantly picked up on the common chatter and small talk between the bar patrons. The lights from the small sign that rested just above the bar itself glowed bright and were the first thing that caught your attention, next being the large jukebox in the corner of the room. The rest of the room was made up of tables chairs in the middle of the room, and booths on every corner of the bar.

Remaining close to the door and not speaking, you took a moment to take in a new atmosphere the mostly piled, chilly, and noisy streets outside. Transmitting to a nice warm, peaceful, and mostly quiet atmosphere, which was nice.

Walking up to the front counter, and taking a seat at the bar, you glanced around the place some more until your eyes landed on a (Male/Female) sitting at a nearby table looking at you with slightly narrowed eyes and a cocky smile on their face. You felt yourself tense up and promptly turned away to focus on the bartender who just came by.

Bartender: "What's your be haven sweetheart?"

You looked towards him, then looked past his plane face at the shelves behind him. After a moment you nodded to yourself and looked back to the barkeep. "I'll have (Drink Name), please." The Bartender nodded before turning around and fixing a glass for you while you relaxed and began to mess around on your phone. As you did so, you began to feel someone's eyes on you as you continued to try and watch your phone. After a few moments, you sighed and placed your phone down, before then turning around and looking around confused. It took you a while to look until your eyes met those of the same person from moments ago. You raised an eyebrow at them, but this only caused them to sit back, showing off their chest area to you, and winked. They appeared to be only wearing a thick jacket and an undershirt that didn't leave much to the imagination.

This action made you blush, your cheeks red. Turning away from them, you were met with the bartender with your drink right in front of you. Reaching for it, you picked it up and brought it to your lips. Beginning to drink it, you nodded to the bartender which gave him the signal he could leave and focus elsewhere.

Sighing quietly, you picked up your glass and began to drink again before you felt an unknown presence behind you. Going quiet, you gulped before turning around and your eyes met those of that human you saw earlier who had been staring at you. You blinked and felt tense once more as you laid back, your back pressed against the bars counter as you stared up into the eyes of theirs. They licked their lips as they placed their hands on either side of your body, trapping you there.

???: "Hello cutie~ What's a pretty thing like you doin here~? Alone~"

You didn't respond for a moment but were eventually able to find your words, shaking your head you spoke in a monotone voice, or at least the best one you could muster. "Um, just f-for a drink? What e-else does it look like?" You finally looked back into their eyes, only to feel someone's hand slowly slide up your hip as your eyes widen again, your body tensing up. You quickly realized by their expression that it was their hand.

You gulped before shaking your head and tried pushing them away, looking off to the side you caught the quick sight of something blue, red, and black walking over that appeared humanoid but was unable to react to it, as you saw the person grab your chin and began rubbing it with his thumb. You felt the tension rise as you struggled with something, anything at all to say as you watched them closely. They moved their face closer, lips only an inch or even closer to your own.

Before either of you could react tho, someone cleared their throat. The person sighed and turned to face the person, only to be met with the stern glare of a rather tall fish woman? She had black pupils, yellow for the rest of her eyes, with red, plump lips. She had two fins for ears, and her hair was tied into a single large ponytail and was a dark shade of red.

She wore a small scarf or handkerchief around her neck with a white dress shirt and black jacket that just went past her stomach. Her pants were black and seemed to be tight on her, she also wore shoes that were brown. Honestly... she looked gorgeous... those yellow eyes were hypnotic almost, with a nice set of lips that looked plump. Her curves and hips were easily seen thanks to her jacket and the tight jeans she wore. She also looked pretty tough, her arms, even covered by her selves, seemed to have some muscle to them.

You suddenly found yourself staring for a few moments, that was until you realize they were talking and suddenly, this woman was now standing beside you and had her hand around your hip, having a firm grip on it. She glared at the human and after a few sharp words, the human huffed before turning around and walking off and leaving.

You turned your head and looked up at the woman as she pulled her hand away, and shook her head. ???: "Jeez, some people these days. Don't they know better than to force themselves on others?" She turned to you and offered a sheepish grin, with a small sweatdrop. "O-Oh hey there pale! S-Sorry for that, I saw em bothering you and... thought I'd help keep you safe." She placed her hands on her hips and kept her grin, now more confident. "So how are you feeling?"

You blinked then quickly responded, "O-Oh, I'm fine! Um, what's your name? I have never seen you before?"
She chuckled before saying proudly; "The names Undyne! Former Captin of the Royal Guard, now just an off duty officer!"

"Oh, okay! My name is (Name), nice to meet you!"

She nodded before taking a seat by the same stool as yours and you do so as well, now you both sitting side by side to one another. You remained mostly quiet as she got settled and ordered a drink, that was until after she began drinking did you finally speak up. "So um, Undyne? You live in town?"Undyne turned to you and nodded, an excited grin now on her face. Undyne: "Yup! And it's awesome! The fact I get to be a police officer and got accepted into the local police academy is what makes it the greatest reason to be here! I even get to train recruits!" Giving her a nod, feeling safe now and able to relax, you spoke up: "Well I'm glad to hear it, you have to tell me more. Where did you live before coming here?"Undyne went on and on about her life before coming to your town, how she was once part of the Royal Gaurd for Monsterkind, how she was trained by the King of Monsterkind, and how she once dated the former Royal Scientist before the two broke up. You gave her your full attention, it never faltering as you listen and reacted quietly. Her story just sounded so interesting... and she was very attractive... not to mention she stepped in and helped you form a possible creep. Hmm...

(To Be Continued)

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