Race Against Time (Mafia AU)

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Undyne x Reader (Mafia AU)

Undyne raced out of her car, followed close behind by her gang of monsters up to the motel that lay just in front of her. Right now the place was under the protection and service of the Skele-bros, though at the moment only one of them was currently there and watching over the joint. The Motel also served as a bar as well as a meeting place for the gang leaders of Snowdin.

At the moment, most of those inside were in the bar/saloon, watching several dance performances on stage. Near the back, close to the bar itself was none other than the notorious mob boss named Sans.

He was asked but his dad to watch over the joint and keep their special 'guest' safe and secured, his dad wanting to use them as leverage against Undyne herself and hopefully make her quiet their gang war happening at the border between the two.

Sans sighed and reached for the cigar in his mouth, taking hold with two fingers. Taking one long drawn from it he closed his eyes and took a long drag before pulling his cigar away and blowing a puff of smoke out into the air.

His tired eyes looked towards the smoke which whirred around for a moment before disappearing fully. Sighing again he lowered his head, facing towards the ground now as he thought back to the recent events of capturing Undyne's love. Apparently, Undyne sent out her lover to try and spy on me, that was until they were discovered and ended up captured. Thanks mostly to Sans himself, who was able to capture them himself as they attempted to escape.

Now tho, he suddenly had a bad feeling about this. Glancing around the room he saw more smoke in the air, the smell of cigars and alcohol could easily be scented. Tables covered with bottles and glasses of wine with several patriots sitting at each table. Many of them from the canine gang, the ones assigned to protect Sans dad. All of them were busy staring at the female monster wearing a rather revealing outfit and singing for the boys.

The music was slow playing, being performed by a crew of monsters on either side of the stage, including a saxophone, piano, and violin. It was nice to listen to, but nothing compared to the voice of who was signing at the moment.

Sans tho wasn't thinking of the show, instead, he was looking towards the front entrance itself. Just as he was about to get up the front doors were suddenly kicked down and shots rang out. Instantly, total chaos occurred as shots rang out from pistols, Tommy guns, and shotguns. The walls were soon being filled with holes, glasses were being shattered along with bottles and wine glasses alike. Windows were shattered as tables were flipped to hide behind.

Screams and cries of those hit or killed were soon heard as Sans ide behind an overturned table and was reloading his pistol while peeking from behind the table towards their attackers... and spotted a familiar red-haired fish, wielding a Tommy gun who was busy blasting apart several of his goons.

Gritting his teeth, and staring daggers towards the mob boss of Waterfall, Sans quickly hopped out from behind the table and raised his revolver towards the fish lady who smashed in one of the canines unite before tossing their body aside. Undyne's own eyes soon landed on Sans and she realized what he was gonna do and quickly ducked down as he opens fire.

Soon the two were in a close gunfight as Undyne lit up the bar area with her Tommy-gun, Sans just barely getting out of the way and taking cover at one end, behind the counter.

Walking over as she reloaded quickly, Undyne gritted her teeth and glared towards the not splintered and shot up countertop and spoke out in a loud, booming voice. Undyne: "WHERE IS (NAME)!?!?!"

Sans heard this, but a grin soon came to his face as he stood up and returned his revolver to its holster. Fixing his fedora hat he gazed at Undyne and gave her a lazy smile as she aimed at him. Placing his own hands in his pockets as the fighting began to die down, Sans just chuckled as Undyne began to tear up again and asked once more: "TELL ME NOW!!! OR I WILL BUST THAT SKULL OPEN WITH A TON OF LEAD!!!"

Sans sighed and shook his skull before grinning again and gesturing upstairs with a nod from his head. Sans: "Their upstairs kiddo... Mostly safe and sound. Tho I got to tell ya. They gave us a big fight with us trying to get info out of em. You trained them well-" He didn't get a chance to finish as he was met with a powerful punch to the face as his whole face cracked, small pieces falling to the floor and his body was slammed into the glass shelving of bottles and glasses, causing them all to fall on the floor.

Undyne, no longer caring for Sans or his gang, ran up the stairs as fast as possible, dropping her gun along the way as two of her goons followed her upstairs and towards Sans bedroom. There, right beside it is the 'torture' room, or as it said on the door just outside of the room.

Reaching it, she kicked the door down hard and stormed in. Once inside, she stopped and froze as she looked at you, her eyes widening and a hand covering her mouth as her eyes teared up.

~(Sometime after being captured)~

You sat only in a chair, tied down in a quiet room alone. It was dark and hard to see anything. YOu coughed badly into the white cloth that was used to cover your mouth, it now being drenched with saliva and blood. The pain on your face and arms had subsided now and you were slowly coming back to your full conscience.

Tho, your bruises and scars would remain for a long time. You also shivered slightly, feeling the cool air from the installation above you continued to pour cool air directly on your body. Looking down you saw your bloodied and scarred arms and hands and the rope used to tie down your wrist. Your wrist was marked from the rope holding them down and they seriously hurt, but there was nothing you could do.

Suddenly, the door open in front of you and two men entered, one much taller than the other but both wearing the same get-up. Fedora likes hats, trench coats with dress-shirts and ties, black pants, and dress shoes. They appeared to be skeletons, tho one had scars on his face and two large holes in his hands. He seemed to have some wrinkles below his sockets and small, white pupils in his eyes.

The other seemed a little more chubby, something to go with their short height and appearance and they wore a lazy smile on their face. The two stopped after entering a few feet into the room. The two were chatting with one another quietly before the smaller of the two turned around and left, while the other walked over into the light. Once closer you noticed the small grin on their face as they cupped your cheek. Rubbing it gently with his thumb, he gazed at you in a sorta loving way. It creeped you out.

Suddenly, he spoke. Gaster: "So, you're the little birdie trying to let slip what we're doing here, right? FOr that crazy goldfish in Waterfall" YOu growled, glaring at him he laughed at your reaction to his insult. Gaster: "Aye, relax will ya? I'm only kidding. THo... I Gotta say, she does have great taste in (human/monsters)~" His hand returned and continued to massage your cheek as you looked confused and tilted his head. Gaster: "After all... I always get... What I want~ Now... You gotta choose. You're dignity, or you love life~? Become mines, die with her?" His grin became almost sadistic as you're eyes widen and teared up quickly. You shook your head but he just laughed before getting down on one knee and leaned in to kiss your cheek.

Gaster: "Don't worry, I'm a merciful man~ I'll make sure to show her mercy when I do take her life... Unless... You agree to give her up and become mine~"

Suddenly, shows and screams could be heard as he chuckled and stood up again. Gaster: "WOnderful timing, she's here~ Prepare to make your choice~" He walked away from you and locked the door as he left.

You sat there alone, mostly in the dark as the faint amounts of light passing through the small openings of the door managed to reach you. You sigh before beginning to tear up at what was happening. And what you could do to save yourself... and Undyne...

Just then... as if on cue... You're loved burst into the room... and saw you...

Undyne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now