Chapter 21- The Aftermath

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Y/N waited outside the locker room for the boys as they showered. Daniel had invited her to join him, Mr. Miyagi, his mom, and Ali out to a celebratory dinner but Y/N politely declined. She wanted to spend time with her boys for a little bit, especially Johnny. She was sure Daniel would keep celebrating his victory for a long time so missing one dinner wasn't the end of the world.

The door to the locker room swung open and the boys stepped out, their hair dripping wet. Johnny was the first one to see her and walked over to her, scooping her into his arms. Y/N tightened her arms around him. They soon pulled away from each other, Johnny's arm staying around her waist. "You guys all did great." Y/N said as they started walking out of the building.

"Yeah well Kreese doesn't seem to think so," Bobby replied dryly. "Who cares what he thinks? He's a monster." Y/N stated. "You're damn right he is." Johnny agreed, tightening his arm around Y/N's waist. Y/N looked up at him and placed a kiss on his jaw, which didn't go unnoticed by the boys. "Did we miss something?" Tommy asked, gesturing between the two. "Possibly." Y/N shrugged.

The boy's jaws dropped. "When did this happen?!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Yesterday," Johnny replied like it was no big deal. "Yesterday?!" Dutch exclaimed. "Haha Dutch you owe me $10." Bobby stated. Y/N's jaw dropped. "You were betting on us?" She questioned in disbelief. "We sure were."

"You suck."

"Actually that's Johnny's j-"

"Zip it Luke Skywalker."

"What did you just call me?" Bobby asked confused, making the boys laugh. "I can kind of see it." Jimmy chuckled. The group of teens started giggling when the sound of shouting caught their attention. The group looked over to see Kreese pushing his way through the crowd, angrily storming towards the group. "Oh shit." Johnny muttered, pushing Y/N behind him protectively.

Kreese stopped in front of Johnny, his nostrils flaring as his cold eyes glared into him. "You're off the team." Kreese spat. Johnny's jaw dropped open. "Come on that's not fair. I got second place." Johnny argued. "Second place is no place. You're off the team!" Kreese yelled.

"That sucks. I did my best!"

"What did you say?"

"I said I did my best."

"You lost, you're nothing, you're a loser."

"No you're the loser, man!"

"Ooh I'm the loser, huh?!"


Kreese glared at Johnny before snatching his trophy out of his hand and snapping it in half. Kreese threw the pieces, nearly hitting Dutch and Jimmy in the head. "Now who's the loser?!" Kreese snapped. "You know you're really sick, man." Johnny yelled at him, keeping an arm around Y/N. Kreese, glaring at him, snatched Johnny off of Y/N before pulling him into a chokehold. "Johnny!" Y/N yelled, going to reach for him.

"You stay out of this! You're the reason he lost!" Kreese yelled, shoving her back. Johnny's eyes widened as he struggled against Kreese, his face turning a frightening shade of red. "Hey come on!" Bobby exclaimed, grabbing Kreese's arm. Kreese brought his elbow back, landing right into Bobby's chest and making him fall to the ground.

Tommy went to grab him but Kreese shoved him back. "Come on sensei, he can't breathe!" Tommy pleaded. "Let him go!" Y/N yelled, grabbing Kreese's arm. Kreese brought his elbow back and a loud cracking sound was heard. Y/N fell back, blood spewing from her nose. Kreese had broken it.

Jimmy and Dutch ran over to Y/N and helped her up as Tommy kept pleading with Kreese. "Sensei, he's sorry." Tommy said. "You stay out of this." Kreese growled. Johnny struggled against Kreese even harder, his face turning a violent shade of purple. "How does second place feel now?"

"Hoy. Let boy go." Mr. Miyagi demanded, walking over to the group. "Mr. Miyagi's right. Let him go." Tommy begged. Kreese brought his hand back and smacked Tommy in the face, making him fall to the ground. Y/N helped Tommy up and held him to her side as she watched the encounter. "I said let boy go." Mr. Miyagi said sternly. "Beat it, slope. Or you're next." Kreese threatened.

Mr. Miyagi narrowed his eyes for a second before starting forward. Mr. Miyagi grabbed Kreese's arm and pulled it off of Johnny, making Kreese let go. Johnny fell to the ground, gasping for air as the color returned to his face. Y/N let go of Tommy and went over to Johnny, wrapping him in her arms.

"Are you ok, sweetheart?" Y/N asked worriedly. Johnny shook his head no before burying his face into her chest. Y/N heard a loud crashing sound and looked up to see Kreese's hand go through a car window. Kreese turned to Mr. Miyagi, his face contorting into horror as he looked at his bloody fist. Kreese ran forward to hit Mr. Miyagi but Mr. Miyagi sidestepped, making Kreese's other fist go through another car window.

Mr. Miyagi reached up and grabbed Kreese's arm, jerking him to the ground. Kreese looked up at him in fear as Mr. Miyagi brought his arm up. "Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful here. A man face you, he is enemy. Enemy deserve no mercy." Mr. Miyagi said, copying Kreese's mantra. Mr. Miyagi made a loud grunting sound and brought his hand down to Kreese's face ready to strike. Don't do it, Mr. Miyagi. Don't do it

Mr. Miyagi's hand went down, and stopped a few centimeters away from Kreese's face, making the brunette look up at him in fear. "Honk." Mr. Miyagi said, pinching Kreese's nose before letting him go. The boys all looked around confused while Y/N smiled. "Y/N-san. Come." Mr. Miyagi urged, ushering her over. Y/N let go of Johnny and walked over to Mr. Miyagi. Mr. Miyagi rubbed his hands together before placing them on her nose. A loud cracking sound was heard as Y/N yelped in surprise.

"Thank you, Mr. Miyagi." Y/N thanked as he took his hands off of her nose. "Ay. Take care of boy." Mr. Miyagi replied, winking at her. Y/N's face flushed as Mr. Miyagi and Daniel walked away. "Y/N are you ok?" Jimmy asked, gesturing to her nose. Y/N nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She turned to Johnny who was still slumped against the car. "Johnny, babe, let's get out of here." Y/N whispered softly, placing a hand on his cheek. Johnny looked up at her and brought his hand up to her face, wiping away the blood.

"This is my fault." He whispered. Y/N brought her hand up to his and grabbed it, interlacing their fingers. "No it's not. It's Kreese's. And besides, I think I've made it obvious that I'd do anything for your dumb ass." Y/N joked, Johnny cracked a smile. "Now let's get out of here."

Y/N and the boys hopped in Johnny's car and took off down the road. While Jimmy, Bobby, Dutch and Tommy were in the back seats goofing off, Y/N and Johnny were sitting up front, their fingers clung together. Johnny brought their intertwined hands up to his lips, and kissed Y/N's knuckles, his blue eyes focused on the road. Y/N gave a contented sigh and leaned back into the seat. Everything was perfect.
A/N Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been really busy. Only one chapter left and then it's on to Cobra Kai. If people don't want a sequel then I won't bother but if you guys do then I will make it for you. Let me know!! :)

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