Chapter 18- All Valley Tournament

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"What belt are you?" A man asked. Today was the day. December 18th, the day of the All Valley Tournament. Mr. Miyagi, Daniel, Ali, and Y/N were standing in the lobby of the rec center with Y/N wrapped in Johnny's red Cobra Kai jacket and a headband similar to Daniel's around her head. Turns out Mr. Miyagi had made one for her and decided to give it to her so she could show her support for Daniel. Said it matched her better than the red jacket.

Y/N wrapped the jacket tighter around her, making Johnny's cologne fill her nostrils. The smell made her think of the events of last night; Johnny's lips on her, her fingers tangled in his hair, his hands on her body. Just thinking about it made her blush.

"Belt?" Daniel asked the guy confused. "Why matter?" Mr. Miyagi inquired. "This whole division is for brown belt and above." The man replied. "He is black belt." Mr. Miyagi stated with a nod of his head. "You better hustle, they're starting. Down the hall and to your left." The man instructed, pointing down the hall. 

Ali planted a kiss on Daniel's cheek and gave him a reassuring pat. "Let's go, Daniel," Y/N said, pushing him towards the hall. The two ventured into the building until they stopped in front of the locker room. "I'll wait out here," Y/N stated. 

Daniel poked his head in the locker room and looked around before turning to Y/N. "Can you come with me, please? There's no one in there." Daniel pleaded. Y/N smiled. "Of course, Daniel."

Y/N turned around while Daniel changed out of his clothes. "Ok, you can turn around." He stated as he tried to tie his gi. "Need some help?" She teased. He rolled his eyes. "No, I got it." He said. "Hey, you're going to do great," Y/N reassured, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Daniel sighed. "I'm just nervous. These guys have been doing this for years. I've been doing this for, what, 3 months?"

"Daniel just remember everything you learned."

"But what if I lose?"

"If you lose, you lose. It isn't about winning, it's about proving yourself."

"I guess you're right."

"I'm always right. Now finish getting ready, can't have you fighting half-naked. Although I'm sure Ali would enjoy that."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you don't want to see Johnny like that," Daniel smirked making Y/N's face flush. "Oh shut up." She groaned. Daniel laughed and playfully nudged her shoulder. "Well, well, well look who we have here fellas. It's our little friend Danielle." A voice taunted.

Y/N and Daniel turned around to see Dutch, Jimmy, and Bobby walking into the locker room in their gis. "Well hello, Danielle." Dutch mocked as Tommy and Johnny joined them. Y/N had to resist drooling at the sight of Johnny in his black gi. It was half undone, revealing his toned chest. Y/N's eyes met Johnny's and he smirked making Y/N turn away. 

"What's the matter, mommy not here to dress ya?" Dutch pushed, trying to get under Daniel's skin. "Dutch, stop," Y/N warned. Dutch just glanced at her and back at Daniel who hadn't said a word. "Hey, I'm talking to you punk," Dutch growled. He shoved Daniel forward making him fall onto a table.

Daniel spun around and got into his fighting position with Dutch doing the same. "Come on, come on. Make a move." Dutch challenged, while the other boys laughed. Johnny just looked bored with the situation. He was just watching, wondering why Y/N was in the boy's locker room with Daniel. Alone.

"Hey, hey! Save it for the ring!" A referee shouted, coming out of nowhere. Daniel just stared at Dutch, his brown eyes wide with fear. "Points or no points, you're dead meat." Dutch spat. "You shouldn't be in here, get out." The referee declared, grabbing Y/N's arm. "I'll see you out there Daniel," Y/N called as the referee pushed her out. He gave a small nod and went back to getting dressed.

Y/N caught up to the Cobra's who were laughing about the whole thing. "You guys are so childish," Y/N stated. "It was just for fun, doll." Dutch defended, nudging her. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. "Can you guys go ahead? I need to talk to Y/N for a second." Johnny requested. Actually he wasn't requesting, he was demanding.

The boys nodded. "Good luck guys," Y/N said, hugging them all quickly. They all smiled before running off, leaving Y/N and Johnny alone. The two stood in silence for just a moment before Johnny pulled Y/N into his arms. Y/N hugged his waist, with her head buried in his chest while Johnny had his head resting on her shoulder. 

Y/N lifted her head from his chest and he lifted his from her shoulder. "As much as I'm enjoying this, you need to go," Y/N said. "I know. My sensei will probably kill me." Johnny sighed. "I don't doubt that." Y/N laughed.

Johnny brought his hands up to Y/N's face and cupped her cheeks. He leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, making her smile. He pulled back and looked at her. "I've gotta go, princess." He stated, letting go of her. "I know. Good luck, pretty boy." She replied. She stood on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you." He murmured.  "I love you too," Y/N replied. Johnny grinned before turning around and walking away. Y/N let out a contented sigh before going off to find Daniel, Ali, and Mr. Miyagi.

"Come, Y/N-San match about to start." Mr. Miyagi said, ushering her over to him, Daniel and Ali "Hold it, hold it. Only teachers and students allowed on the competition floor." An official said, gesturing to the two girls. "Oh he, uh, doesn't speak English. And I can't understand his instructions with her, she's his translator." Daniel lied, pointing to Ali. "And what about her?" The man questioned, pointing to Y/N. "I'm his emotional evaluator." Y/N lied, pointing to the headband on her head.

Mr. Miyagi grabbed Y/N's wrist and muttered something intelligible. "What did he say?" The man asked with furrowed eyebrows. "He said you remind him of an uncle he had back in Tokyo." Ali lied. "I guess it's ok." The man dismissed with a smile. Mr. Miyagi mumbled something again. "He says you're very kind." Ali clarified. "Oh thank you." The man said. "Welcome." Mr. Miyagi replied.

Before the man could comprehend what happened, the group scurried away. "Alright what are the rules here?" Daniel asked, gripping onto Mr. Miyagi's shoulder. "Don't know. First time you, first time me." Mr. Miyagi replied as the group walked towards arena 3. "What? I figured you knew about this stuff. I figured you went to these before. Oh great, I am dead. You told me you fought a lot." Daniel rambled, glaring at Mr. Miyagi. "Ah for life. Not for points."

"Daniel, look. Everything above your waist is a point. You can hit the head, you can hit sternum, kidneys, and the ribs." Ali explained. Daniel nodded his head as the Cobra's jogged by, chanting their dojo name. As they passed, Johnny winked at Y/N while Dutch shoved Daniel.

Ali just rolled her eyes and pushed Daniel forward. "Good luck Daniel." Y/N cheered. Daniel nodded and walked onto the mat. OK, here we go.

A/N AHHH sorry for not updating in so long I've just been super stressed and busy but I'm back. This is a really bad chapter but at least it's something. Stay hydrated y'all.

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