Chapter 12- A Crazy Teacher

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Y/N and Daniel met Mr. Miyagi outside near his truck the next day. Daniel drove while Y/N sat in the middle and Mr. Miyagi sat in the passenger seat. The drive was short and Daniel surprisingly didn't kill them all. Once the car was parked, the trio walked in. A class was in session.

The boys were standing in rows with the sensei yelling at them as they practiced their punches. Daniel and Mr. Miyagi looked around while Y/N watched the class. In the front row, she could make out Johnny, Bobby, Dutch, and Jimmy. Tommy was next to them, his arm in a sling. Y/N felt herself grow nervous. She didn't know if she could see them. Jimmy and Bobby maybe, but not the others. Especially Johnny.

The sensie, who Y/N remembered the boys telling her was named Kreese, walked up and down the rolls before suddenly grabbing one of the students and throwing him to the ground. "You lose concentration in a fight, and you're dead meat." The sensei spat. "Yes, sensei." The kid replied nervously. "What?" Kreese demanded. "Yes, sensei." The kids repeated louder. Kreese got off of the kid. "Get up. Give me sixty pushups on your knuckles."

The kid walked off to the side and started doing his push-ups while Kreese called for the other boys to get into positions. The boys all got down to their knees, except for Johnny and Dutch who stood holding a red flag and white flag in their hands. "Brown, Robertson." The sensei called. Bobby and a dark-skinned boy both jumped to their feet and moved to the center of the mat. Kreese tied a red cloth to Bobby's belt before walking off the mat. The two boys bowed before getting into their fight positions. "Fight!"

Bobby threw a kick at the boy but he sloppily blocked it. Bobby moved forward again, this time landing the kick on the boy, sending him to the ground. "Point! Front kick" Kreese declared as Johnny and Dutch held up the red flag they were holding. Bobby backed up to his spot only for Kreese to yell at him. "What are you looking at? Finish him!"

Bobby moved forward and brought his hand down, striking the boy in the back, making him fall to the ground again. "Return," Kreese stated. Bobby walked off the mat while the other boy crawled away, clutching his stomach. This is barbaric.

Kreese called for the boys and they all jumped to their feet. "We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak." Kreese yelled as he stalked around the group of boys. The only one who wasn't watching him was Johnny. His blue eyes were trained on the three outsiders standing in the corner, particularly Y/N.

When he first saw her walk in, he instantly felt guilty about what happened. Not that he didn't feel guilty immediately after he hit her but the guilt only increased when he saw her now black eye. He would never dream of hurting her. Never.

Y/N felt his gaze on her and tried to ignore it, not wanting to look at him. She knew if she did, she'd get sucked in like she always did. And she didn't think she could bear to see him with his own black eye. They were matching in a sense, each sporting their own black eyes. It was a sick way of looking at it if you thought about the situation.

Johnny's blue eyes stayed focused on the girl and she, out of instinct, grasped Daniel's hand for reassurance. Johnny's gaze formed into a scowl. "When a man confronts you he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem, Mr. Lawrence?" Kresse demanded, stopping in front of the blonde. Johnny snapped his gaze away from Y/N and Daniel and turned to his teacher. Johnny started whispering to him, meaning Y/N couldn't hear him but she could tell he was giving a loose recollection of what happened last night.

"Hey come on let's just forget this," Daniel muttered to Mr. Miyagi, tightening his grip on Y/N's hand. They both needed reassurance right now and the simple platonic gesture was helping the both of them. "Wait. Not yet." Mr. Miyagi insisted, holding up his hand to Daniel. Kreese turned towards the three with a smirk on his face. Johnny was supporting his own smirk, making his already sharp jawline jut out even further. Y/N didn't know how to explain it but he just looked even hotter. And the black eye somehow contributed to it.

"Class, we have visitors. Fall in behind me." Kreese demanded. The class did what they were told and fell in behind Kreese who was approaching the three, Johnny at his side. Kreese was a scary man. He was tall and when he crossed his arms, his muscles bulged out. He towered over the three. Johnny being next to him didn't help.

"I hear you jumped some of my students last night," Kreese stated, glaring at Mr. Miyagi. "Afraid the facts mixed up." Mr. Miyagi replied calmly. "Are you calling Mr. Lawrence a liar?" Kreese asked angrily. "No call no one nothing." Mr. Miyagi clarified. "What are you here for old man?"

"Come ask leave boy alone."

"What's the matter? The boy can't take care of his own problems?"

"One-to-one problem, yes. five-to-one problem, too much ask anyone."

"Is that what's bothering you? The odds? Well, we can fix that. Feel like matching, Mr. Lawrence?"

"Yes, Sensei!" Johnny shouted making Y/N slightly flinch. Johnny noticed this. Was she scared of him? "No more fighting." Mr. Miyagi stated. "This is a karate dojo, not a knitting class. You don't come in my dojo and drop a challenge and leave, old man." Kreese spat. "Now you get your boy on the mat or you and I will have a major problem."

"Too much advantage. Your dojo." Mr. Miyagi reasoned. "Name a place." Kreese challenged with a snarl. "Tournament." Mr. Miyagi replied nodding his head to the poster on the wall. Y/N felt her heart drop. Daniel couldn't fight in a tournament. He'd probably get killed.

Kreese snickered. "You got real nerve, old man. Real nerve. But I think we can accommodate you. Can't we, Mr. Lawrence?" Kreese asked, turning to the blonde. "Yes, sensei," Johnny answered his tone a little softer. His eyes darted to Y/N but she still refused to look at him. She was still clutching Daniel's hand which made him feel angrier. "Fall in."

Johnny glanced at Y/N one last time before walking away from the group and joining his friends, all of whom were carefully watching Y/N. They all felt guilty after last night but they didn't know what to do. If Y/N was mad after them pushing Daniel down a hill, she's going to be even angrier with them nearly killing him. Kreese turned around and started walking back to his class. "Ask one more small request." Mr. Miyagi stated, making Kreese stop.

"Make it fast." He spat, his back still facing the trio. "Ask leave boy alone to train." Mr. Miyagi replied. Kreese turned around with a sinister grin. "You're a pushy little bastard, ain't ya? But I like that. I like that." Kreese mocked, his eyes wide. He looked like a crazy person. Kreese turned back around and started circling the students. "All right. No one touches the prima donna until the tournament. Is that understood?" "Yes, sensei!"

Kreese stopped walking and turned back to the trio. "But you don't show and it's open season on him." Kreese threatened, pointing to Daniel. "You." He pointed to Mr. Miyagi. Kreese's eyes darted to Y/N and he smirked. "And her."

Johnny, Bobby, Tommy, Jimmy, and Dutch's eyes all widened and they exchanged terrified looks. When their sensei threatened someone, the threats were never empty. They were worried for Y/N. And it was all because they decided to beat up Daniel. Well, it wasn't entirely their fault, but they could take the blame for some of it.

Mr. Miyagi slightly nodded at Kreese. He lightly shoved Daniel and Y/N behind his back ina protective manner before slowly backing out, making sure he didn't turn his back on the man. Daniel and Y/N, with their hands still together, slowly backed out as well. As Y/N was about to turn around and leave, she caught Johhny's eye. He gave her a reassuring smile, hoping to let her know that everything would be ok. That was the last thing she saw before leaving the dojo.
A/N Here's another chapter since I feel bad about not updating in a little bit!! This was originally part of the last chapter but then I realized it was making the chapter too long and boring so I made it it's own

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