Chapter 20- All Valley Tournament: Final Part

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A/N A bit of a long one. I wanted to finish the tournament in this chapter so it got kind of long.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. This is the first semifinal match of the afternoon." The announcer stated. Y/N felt herself grow nervous. While she was happy for Daniel, she was worried he might have to fight Johnny. She loved Johnny, she really did but sometimes he could be intense. "Defending champion, John Lawrence of the Cobra Kai. Two-time winner of the All Valley under 18 Golden Trophy. He'll be facing darryl Vidal of the Lucts Valley Karate Club."

Johnny smirked as the crowd cheered for him. He looked across the mat to see Y/N cheering for him, a big smile on her face. Johnny smiled at the sight, feeling his heart burst with love. He never thought he would have someone cheer for him. While Ali used to come to his fights, she never cheered, just sat there and sometimes scolded him for taking such a risk. Y/N was different, though. She cheered for him and she wanted him to be himself, not some UCLA football star or a scrawny kid from New Jersey. Y/N wanted Johnny Lawrence as Johnny Lawrence.

Johnny and Vidal walked onto the mat and took their spots. The two bowed to the referee before bowing to each other and then jumping into their positions. "Fight!" The referee yelled. Vidal was the first to strike as he sent a kick Johnny's way. Johnny was quick though and he ducked just in time before moving out of the way. Vidal threw another kick but Johnny blocked it before lunging forward with his own kicks. Vidal blocked each one, making Johnny retreat. Vidal threw his leg up but Johnny was prepared and caught his leg before throwing him to the ground, earning a point. "Yeah Johnny!" Y/N yelled.

Daniel rolled his eyes net to Y/N. "Are you gonna cheer for him when he kicks my ass?" He asked sarcastically. Y/N chuckled. "I'll cheer for you both equally." Y/N retorted. "That's not the answer I was looking for." Daniel huffed. Y/N shrugged. "Too bad."

Vidal and Johnny got back into their positions, waiting for the signal. Y/N had to resist drooling over Johnny as he got ready to fight. His blonde hair was messy and his black gi and slid down a little, revealing his toned chest. Johnny quickly wetted his lips with his tongue, making Y/N feel hot all of a sudden. The thoughts running through Y/N's head were anything but innocent at the moment.

"Fight!" The ref yelled. Vidal ran forward and jumped into the air, doing 3 flip kicks. Johnny, being smart, backed away. As Vidal landed after his third flip, Johnny threw his leg up but Vidal blocked it. The two backed into the middle of the mat before Vidal ran forward to do another fancy kick. Johnny was prepared though and brought his foot into Vidal's stomach, knocking him to the ground and earning a point. One point left.

Vidal sat on the ground, cradling his stomach. "You alright, Vidal?" The ref asked. Vidal nodded and got to his feet before going to his position. "Fight!" The ref yelled. Johnny was the first to strike this time as he ran forward, throwing kicks at Vidal. Vidal blocked everyone until Johnny took him by surprise and sent a spinning hook kick to his chest Johnny won the fight.

"Point Lawrence. Winner." The ref announced, pointing to Johnny. "Yes, Johnny!" Y/N shouted as he walked off the mat. Johnny turned and sent her a wink and grin before joining the rest of his teammates. "The next semifinal will determine who will face the defending champion. Will Daniel LaRusso... of the Miyaji Do karate or Bobby Brown of the Cobra Kai fight the champion?" The announcer said.

"Good luck Daniel, you can do this." Y/N encouraged, giving him a comforting pat on the shoulder. Mr. Miyagi and Ali both patted Daniel on the back before he walked up onto the mat with Bobby doing the same. One thing Y/N noticed though was how pale Bobby looked. She suddenly felt a weird feeling settle into her stomach as she watched Bobby glance at Kreese before turning back to Daniel.

Enamored: Johnny Lawrence x Female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now