All those things he had put William through, he could never overlook as something he did because he didn't know better. He did, and that was what made all those acts unforgivable.

Nevertheless, once Aydan had started, he couldn't bring himself to stop it. Until, of course, that evening at the clubhouse. It was the first time Aydan truly realised he could lose William, if he didn't stop acting the way he had been acting.

The worst part was that he could have lost William for good, as in have to go to his funeral and spending the rest of his life mourning and hating himself for enabling the assault to happen.

So, afterwards there wasn't really a choice to make. Aydan would always choose William, if he had to pick between Claudia or losing his best friend. His best friend that hadn't been just a friend for him for a long time.

Yet, Aydan had been scared and in denial. He had lied to others so many times, he almost believed those lies himself. He almost believed he had no feelings for William, until Claudia eventually dared him to try kissing William. Once he did, well, it was impossible to turn back anymore.

What a horrible farce Aydan had made just to make sure no one knew about his sexuality. At the end of the day, that was the only substantial reason behind his stupid plan. It had all gotten so horribly wrong, and now he had lost both Claudia and William for good.


''Okay, first of all, slow down.'' Brian put his hand on top of Aydan's glass, forcing him to take a break from the continuous drinking.

Despite hanging around in the rock music business and looking like a rockstar, Brian didn't drink or smoke. He said it was because he didn't need to: substances scarcely made him feel any different and he just didn't see a point to waste his health and youth with something that didn't even bring him any pleasure.

''So, you finally did it?'' Brian asked.

''Did what?'' Aydan muttered and snatched the glass from his friend's hand.

''Confessed your feelings to him. I thought you were never going to do it.'' Brian continued giving Aydan, who just gulped down the rest of the liquor, a disapproving look.

''Don't tell me you've known all this time?'' Aydan sighed and impatiently dashed his hair off his face.

''You might be slow-witted, but I'm not. So, how was it?'' Brian lectured.

''Fuck you. How was what? It was the best sex I've ever had, but I doubt that's what you're asking. Besides, this is totally off the point. William is angry at me and I have no idea why.'' Aydan muttered.

He was getting drunk, but he was still way too far from being wasted, which was what he came there to do.

It was still early, somewhere around 5 pm, so the bar was nearly empty. The music was also quiet enough for them to talk without having to yell.

Aydan had wanted to sit at the bar counter, but Brian had guided them to the table in a corner, probably to keep him further from the booze. Brian was quiet for some time, thinking through everything Aydan had told him about the things that led them to sit at that corner table.

''That's the thing actually. He doesn't sound angry to me.'' He said eventually.

''Then what was it all about?'' Aydan got interested.

''I think he might have been scared.'' Brian said.

''Scared? Of what?'' Aydan mistrusted the theory.

''I don't know. Maybe Claudia sent the other Wrights to bully him.'' Brian said.

''Yeah, like her mom and dad?'' Aydan laughed joylessly.

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