2| Two

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"Are you sure you want to go?" Farhana asked softly.

"Yes mama! It is my college reunion, and I am invited, so I will go." Aayat replied

"But Zayaan..."

"Please mama, not again! If he comes, let him. I am only going to meet my friends, no one else." Aayat said as she draped the dupatta on her shoulder.

"Dad, did you have your medicine?" She turned back to her dad

"Yes my dear, I will drop you there?" He asked slowly

"You take rest, I will go by myself." She smiled looking at him.

No matter how strong she seemed in front of her parents, she knew she didn't want to cross paths with him, at least today. She knew he would be there as well, but didn't want to meet him.

"Aayat." She heard a voice, and turned behind to look at who it was.

"Maira, how are you?" She went and hugged her.

"It's been so long since we met." Maira spoke, with a guilt ridden face. Guilt for something that wasn't her fault, but she felt she had to pay back for her brother's fault towards Aayat.

"You forgot me, I can't help it!" Aayat smiled at her.

"I can never forget you, and so can't bhai..." Her voice lowered as she spoke about him.

"Let all this be! Let's go and meet the others." Aayat spoke in excitement.

"Aayat?" Maira called back slowly, and she looked at her. "Are you fine?" She continued

Silence took over them, at that moment. Maira knew she isn't feeling the way she has been showing. It was not easy for her, and she understood that very well. Aayat tried her best not to think of everything that happened, but it wasn't possible. Her life revolved around all of them, and his one fault had ruined everything, their lives were messed up, and so were them.

"I am absolutely fine! What would happen to me? Are you planning to stand here for the whole function? Let's go now!" She replied looking away, as she wiped the lone tear that escaped her eye.

"Just a second, I forgot my phone in the car, I will get it." Maira said and she nodded.


"Aayat!" Her life froze up at that very moment, as she heard his voice.

Pretending as though her voice didn't hit her, she walked away slowly, but soon realized he walked behind, calling her once again. She stopped and turned back slowly.

After months she had seen him, she didn't know what she was feeling. She truly loved him but none of it was shown on her emotionless face at that moment.

"You look really beautiful, as always." He spoke slowly.

"When your wife has got ready, that to for you, you should compliment her." She spoke

"Oh, okay!" He laughed raising his eyebrows.

"What okay? Karo tareef ab?" She said running her fingers through her straightened hair, and setting the dupatta properly, while he kept looking at her.

"You look pretty!" He said smiling

"Thank you! Remember this always now." She chuckled.

As their past moments played back in her mind, it made it even difficult for her to stand there, when he was right in front of her.

"Say something Aayat. You are angry with me right? So shout at me, tell me all that you want to, but don't stay quiet. I can't tolerate this silence of yours." Zayaan said.

"Please leave, Zayaan! I don't want to talk." She finally spoke up.

"I won't leave, till you say something!" He said. "You were the one who used to call me your Mr. Stubborn! So yes, I am stubborn. I am not going anywhere, you have to talk today." Zayaan pleaded.

"You are nothing to me anymore. If my love, or me, meant something to you, you wouldn't have done all of this." Aayat replied, and started to walk away, but he held her hand, to stop her.

"You do mean a lot to me, and so does your love. Give me a chance Aayat, let me explain, please." Zayaan spoke slowly.

"I lost my sister because of you, and not only that but with that, she left me to bear all that she would, if she would get married." Aayat replied and walked away.

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