"The kitchen is fantastic." I grin. I walk over to island in the center of the kitchen and brush my index finger over the marble countertop as I take in the light wood cabinets that make up a grand kitchen compared to the one we had at home.

"The kitchen is the best part." She says dreamily.

I giggle,"Yep, see. Twins."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're more obsessed with food than I am." She says.

"Oh, okay. You have a mini fridge in your room that's full of sandwiches and coca cola. That's all I'm going to say." I grin.

"Naomi?" I hear Lexi from somewhere upstairs and remember why I was bringing in her bag in the first place.

"Anne, I'll call you later. I have luggage to hoard in. My tired little sister packed tons and I still have four bags to carry in."

"Including your own?" She asks.

"Nope." I say and I hang up as I hear her laugh at me through the other line. I quickly text a 'thanks' to thank her for laughing at me and push my phone into my jean pocket again.

"That's the last of it." I smile as I let her suitcase drop onto the ground gently. "You know, I feel very happy that Jesus has the muscles. I couldn't do this without Him." I smile up at the ceiling.

Lexi opens her eyes for a second to look at me before she buries her head into her white scarf.

"You won't be needing that anymore." I laugh as I sit on one of her blue suitcases.

She doesn't say anything though. I frown and walk over to where she is sitting underneath the window and nudge her,"Hey, what's up?"

"I'm tired." She buries her head deeper into the pool of wool around her neck and I shake my head.

"I don't believe that that's all."

She sighs and looks up at me. "I miss my friends, Naomi."

I nod and hug her close to my side. "I miss Anne."

"And I miss my school." Her voice sounds muffled from the scarf in front of her mouth but I hear her anyway from how close we're sitting.

"I know," I say softly. "but a whole new adventure is waiting for you out here."

"Yeah, but it's still home. You know?"

"I know." I say once again. I honestly didn't know what to say. I missed my school too. I missed my friends as well. I was in the same situation as she was. How could I cheer her up and give her advice when I couldn't even help myself?

"And I'm kind of nervous." She whispers.

Great. Another thing I can't help her with.

I needed to think of something though. I was the big sister she looked up to. Even if Em was the oldest, Lexi looked up to me. It might be because I'm closer to her age. The thing is though, I should be able to put my problems, which are exactly her problems, aside and try to tell her something big-sisterly.

Think like Em.

No, think like Jesus

"Lexi." I pull away and she stares up at me from under her scarf that she has draped over her head.

"Do you believe that God can help you?"

She looked surprised, almost shocked, that I could even ask her such a question. She quickly takes the scarf off her head and places it in her lap.

By Your Will, Lord. (ON HOLD DUE TO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now