Chapter 2

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Hope's POV:

Here I go. I have to go to school. Come on Hope you can do this. Who am I kidding? I can't do anything. I already know how it's gonna go, I'm sure to be called a name, that's something I can't avoid. I just hope that no body gets in my face, that's like the worst part. I felt so insecure about my outfit(see in picture). I have nothing to make me feel confident or comfortable. I can't ever pull anything off.


Nate is here. I haven't seen him since school really started. When I got out side he was standing out side his car and smiling big. I ran up to him and give him a big hug, lasting longer than I expected. I just love his hugs, his arms are like a blanket and they make me feel so safe.

"You look nice." He said. I've only ever heard kind words come from his mouth.

"Thank you maloley" I smiled. He opened the car door for me. We are driving to school and I started to shake my leg and squeezed my hands closed tightly. I do that when I'm nervous. Nate noticed and pried my hands open then held it.

"It's ok." He cooed. Those 2 words helped me relax a bit. God what would I do without my best friend? I'd probably have given up on life.

When we got to school nate wrapped his arm around my waist. It's not weird cuz I'm comfortable with him and I trust him. We are friends. We were walking to the office to get my schedule and I got at least 5 death glares from 5 different people. I sighed but nate just flipped them off which made me giggle.

Everyone loves nate. Hes a popular guy. Everyone questions why he's friends with me and honestly I do too. Most people call it charity. They think he's doing it just because he feels bad.

"STOP WITH THE CHARITY NATE!" Someone yelled behind us. That probably hurts most when people call it charity. If nate never really loved me as a friend then my heart would shatter, I would have nothing left. Absolutely nothing. But I wouldn't be surprised.

"This isn't charity. I love you." He whispered. It sounded like an 'I love you' like your 'the love of my life' I love you.

"Uh- as friend"he stuttered. Oh.

I got my schedule. I only had 5 periods with Nate. There were 9 periods in total. I can't even go one period without nate!

"It's ok. If It goes really terrible then I'll try my best to change my schedule like I said before. But hey, at least we have lunch together!" He said.


We started walking to homeroom together. Then one of the sluts of the school came walking towards us. Great.

"Go away Lindsay" nate said.

"Why?? Is it because of this trash, Hopeless, is it? Why do you even hang out with her, does she like suck your dick or something?"

I gasped. Did she really just say that. I can feel my self getting red.

"I said get the fuck away Lindsay. And don't even talk about her like that! Her name is fucking Hope and she is 100 more times classy than you. You are the slut!" Nate snapped.

Both me and Lindsay had our eyes widened. She gasped. Nate took me and quickly walked away.

"Nate..... You didn't really have to do that."

"Are you kidding?! She's a slut. She deserved it!" He said while clenching his jaw.


It was finally lunch time. My day was the usual, laughing at me, death glares, but it's what ever. I got my food and then met nate at our table. He was sitting with 2 other guys. I've seen them in the halls, they've never really said anything to me.

"Hope.. This is Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky. Yeah it's confusing, just call them by their last name."

Great. New people.

"Hey... I'm Hope."

Jack Johnson spoke up"Hey, I've heard about you. Not very good things-" nate kicked him.

"Let me finish! I was gonna say she looked like a sweet person!" Is he serious? Someone other than nate is actually being nice to me.

"And she's beautiful." Said gilinsky. I blushed and nate gave him a weird look but I ignored it. I noticed there was and empty seat with a food tray on the table.

"Who's food is that?" I asked.

"Oh it's Sammy's. Sammy wilkinson . He just went to the bathroom." Responded johnson.

Wilkinson? Why did that sound so familiar. I was eating then heard footsteps behind me.

"Oh look! Sammy is here!" Said nate.

I turned around and immediately saw his face. My heart beat sped up. I quickly turned back around.

"I have to go" I said while tearing up.

"What? What's wrong?" Asked nate concerned.

"Nothing. I'm fine... " I said while running out the cafeteria

Cliff hanger 😏. Please comment and share your thoughts

Change Me ♡☽ A Nate Maloley fan fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें