Cam opened the door of the office, leading me in. There was a simple ding as we walked in letting the owner know we have arrived. The smell flooded my nose; there was an aroma of sweat, febreeze, and a foreign stench. It wasn't very appealing. I continued to observe the room, noticing art scattered across the walls, some medical looking tables and chairs, rings stored behind glass, and the faint sound of some classic rock in the background. A tattoo parlor.

"What are we doi-" I began to whisper until a man appeared in front of us, shaking hands with Cameron. His right arm was covered in a colorful sleeve, leading up to his neck and his look was finished with a nose piercing in the center beaming out of each nostril, like a bull.

"And would we like to do the girl first or yourself?" The guy smiled as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Do what? What am I doing?" Panic.

"Relax! We are getting tattoos and I'm payin'," Cameron nervously laughed, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"Relax?" I snarled at him.

"Whoa Jewels, put the claws away, okay? I just thought we could live a little, be adventurous, take chances..." he began to pull his lips into a smile, he knew he was about to have his way. "Juliet, are you... scared to get a tattoo?" The smile spread completely across his face, raising his left eyebrow while he looked down, towering over me.

"N-no I am not s-scared!" I shook my head and took a step back, shaking off his grip on my shoulder.

"Yes you are you little baby!" He laughed. Boy, he sure knew how to make me feel like we were back in elementary school. He called me a baby. I'm NOT a baby. I can be tough.

I took my eyes away from him, locking mine with the artist, "sure, I'll go first." I stated as confident as possible, not giving Cameron any satisfaction. His jaw hung open as I walked away, following the artist over to the bed. Cameron continued to stand by the door, so I secretly told the artist what I was wanting. I wanted to make it a surprise as to what I was getting permanently inked on my skin.

I laid down on the table before me, laying on my stomach and my head to the side. I lifted my shirt halfway up my torso, revealing my back so the artist could do his work. I watched as Cameron came over to me and sat on a stool next to me. "What are you getting?" he asked.

"Its a secret." I said to him.

Ten minutes later the artist had his sketch copied onto my back, "wanna get up and take a look babe?" the man said to me.

I whipped my head back around at Cameron, "don't look," I demanded.

He rolled his eyes and finally covered his face with his big hands. I began to sit up when he glared through his fingers. "No peeking!" and he immediately covered his eyes again.

I made my way to the mirror and turned around. It was a pair of wings with a halo hovering over it; the word 'Grace' in a fancy font above the halo and wings. It was at the small of my back, right where a so-called tramp stamp would be.

"It's perfect!" I shrieked.

"What's perfect?" Cameron laughed, his voice muffled by his hands.

"Nothing, jerk," I laughed back as I laid back on the table. "You can open your eyes," I quietly told him. He was sitting right in front of me, so hopefully he couldn't see my tattoo.

The artist put the needle to my skin, making me wince, but only for a second. The pain suddenly disappeared; everyone said tattoos hurt, but I'm not really experiencing pain... just a bit of discomfort.

"Do I need to hold your hand?" Cameron jokingly cooed at me.

"You wish," I said back, sticking out my tongue.

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