Untitled Part 6

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Weeks passed after that lesson. Hermione and Harry know both had their wandless magic, with Hermione's being Telekinesis, and Harry's being Osteokinesis. Luna had a weird ability to regulate body temperature, which successfully made people avoid her after someone got frostbite from grabbing her wrist. Ginny could control love and lust, which made couples who'd pissed her off in the past scurry away whenever she came close. People also avoided making Dean mad since he could give people insanity, and Seamus could be seen making dragons out of water and making them fly around people's heads. A lot of people had also gotten much more fit after going through Thalia and Reyna's extensive training, which involved 5 laps around the Pitch, 30 pushups, 160 jumping jacks, 30 bunny hops, 15 sit-ups, 70 squats, and 30 tuck-jumps. And that was only the basics. After stretching, and some wand work, they all got their weapons from the wall. Then, for the next 20 minutes, they did a bunch of exercises with their swords, and for the remaining 5 minutes they went over meditating and wandless magic again. Sometimes they did small ball games, which mainly focused on catching a golf ball one-handed, other times instead of weapons they did hand-to-hand combat instead.

Harry panted as he finished his 5 laps, and sat down on the floor hard, with a thump. Dean was after him, face-planting into the grass. "W-wow, Harry, y-you're really f-fast," the other boy said, not quite breathing properly yet. He smiled wryly. "Well, Harry hunting helps a lot," Dean sat up. "No, I'm being serious. Look," he pointed back to the field, where everyone else was still at the hoops. "You're like the flash, I don't think I've seen anyone that fast,"


Harry was fast, Thalia could see that. He ran at first like a lion was chasing him, then it leveled out mid-way to a steady, but still very fast pace. If there had been a track team he would have made it easily. It was, however, the fact that he ran that fast that made her worried. Had he been left on the streets? She knew from experience that running fast for long periods of time was always necessary on the streets; fighting monsters made you run even faster. Before they'd gotten to camp she and Annabeth could keep up with Luke easily, despite him being a super fast son of Hermes. Harry was almost at that speed; anyone who didn't know him might have thought he'd been born to get chased. "Something's wrong," she muttered as she watched him do his jumping jacks. "But what?"

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