Untitled Part 5

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Dismissed, Blaise, Ron, Lavender and Neville stumbled out in a daze. "I just realised Weasley; you could go against the Dark lord himself and not get killed," Blaise finally spoke. His notebook in his hand changed to dark blue. Neville nodded. "I mean I guess I know why I'm so good at herbology now... but that's a really cool magic area Ron," The ginger just nodded in a dazed way.

By the time dinner rolled around, there was wandless magic everywhere. One of the Hufflepuff's had an ironic ability to control shadows and light. She was currently stepping in and out of people's shadows and occasionally falling out of the roof (Her housemates had developed a habit of checking the ceiling every few seconds because of this), and another Slytherin was in the corner floating, eyebrows scrunched in deep concentration as they manipulated the air around them. A Ravenclaw was slowly making her goblet bend into fanciful shapes, much to the interest of her housemates, while his friend was putting random people to sleep spontaneously. Two lions were on the tables, combining their ice and fire magics to create colorful and harmless mini-fireworks to entertain their housemates.

--time skip---

"Today is hand to hand combat. I only have 5 rules, and they are, 1. I don't care if you hate your partner, there will be no bleeding in this class. 2. Do your homework for this unit. We will know if you haven't done it if your performance in class is sloppy. 3. Hands may not be knives, but if you train properly, they can be just as deadly. Pay attention. 4. Stretching before each class is so important. I cannot tell you how many people in our school have pulled a muscle while training, like Percy when he first came here. 5. Touch the weapons on the wall and you'll have a week's worth of detention as a result," Reyna announced. Both she and Thalia were wearing MCR tank tops and blue jeans, which caused a lot of whispering and somewhat-subtle pointing among the 3rd year students. "Does anyone have any questions?" Thalia asked, jumping onto the desk again. Hands shot up into the air. "Miss Granger," "What is that on Professor Ramirez-Arelleno's arm?" she asked. Reyna turned her arm over. "At the school, if you trained in Rome, you received a tattoo. The mark depends on your wandless magic and you received another bar for each completed year at the school," she explained. "Miss Brown," the Puerto Rican called out. "Will we learn to incorporate magic in?" Reyna turned to look at Thalia, eyebrows raised. Thalia made a :~\ face. "We will, once everyone gets a hang of their wandless powers," was the former huntress's answer

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