Untitled Part 4

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By the time the weekends had rolled around, every single house and year had gotten a crash course in muggle exercise, and Malfoy didn't dare send a letter to his father, not with the possible risk of being shocked.

Everyone filed into the class wearing what was now called their 'DADA uniform'. Thalia and Reyna were already there, pushing desks and chairs to the side. In the middle of the room was a huge wardrobe, a few standing punching bags, some mats, and of course, the weapons. Gesturing everyone to sit down, Thalia hopped onto the teacher's desk. "Because it's a double period today, we are going to start with boggarts, move onto wandless magic, and then go onto hand to hand combat. First if all, can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" Hermione's hand shot up. "Yes, Miss Granger," "It's a creature that lives in dark spaces and when they come in contact with people they turn into their worst fear," she stated. Thalia nodded. "Good, a point to Gryffindor. The incantation for this spell is, 'Riddikulus!'" "Riddikulus!" everyone yelled back. "Good. Neville, you are up first,"

"The basics of wandless magic are quite simple. One, you must have a strong magical core, and two, you must be patient. Full control of your wandless magic does not come easy," Reyna instructed. Everyone nodded. After laughing at each others boggarts, they were told to sit cris cross apple sauce on the mattresses, with five to each one. "Close your eyes, and on your own time, meditate. Not only does this help with accessing your magical core, it calms you down. Before anyone starts does anyone have a guess on what our wandless powers are?" Reyna asked. Her hair, which was still down and still very curly from having it in a braid before now, looked almost warrior- like as she said it. Neville's hand went up, shaking. "Yes, Mr. Longbottom?" "Uh... Lightning and air for Professor Thalia, stronger leadership qualities for you?" he guessed. "Ten points for answering half-correctly," Reyna rewarded. "You are very correct on my wife having mainly weather- oriented magic. However, I have another ability as well, used mainly for war. It is called empowerment, and I can impart strength to army's. I also have what Muggles may know as Telumkinesis, which is the ability to manipulate weapons," everyone looked awed at that.

Neville was the first. As he concentrated, something inside him pulled, and everyone around him flung themselves out of the way as vines shot out behind them and grew until they threatened to break the roof. Opened his eyes, he gasped at the tall green plants behind them "I did that?" only moment later, after Neville had been pulled to work on controlling his new found plant manipulation powers, Blaise's notebook started to flap as if an invisible wind came through the room. About ten seconds later, it changed from a royal green to a deep navy blue, and slammed shut, startling the Snake out of his deep concentration. Thalia raised an eyebrow, impressed. "The ability to control color and books. That's a rare one. Come here," Only blushing mildly, he grabbed his notebook and sat down by the teacher's desk.

By the end of it the only other two who'd gotten anywhere was Lavender and Ron. Lavender had just opened her eyes in defeat when a robin landed at the window, and it took her a few moments to realize she was talking in English to a bird, who somehow understood her perfectly, and vise versa. Meanwhile, Ron was just thinking about Quidditch when one of the desks had suddenly collapsed, making him jump in surprise, and then re-modeled itself into a line of round balls that looked startlingly like quaffles. They'd been asked to stay after class, and Thalia had sent her Patronus to Snape telling him not to deduct any points from either house. Because they'd been meditating for so long, they hadn't had a chance to do hand to hand combat, but luckily, their next class was in two days, in Wednesday.

"The ability to talk to any animal is a very impressive skill, although it isn't technically magic. It's something called Zoolingualism, and you would have actually been born with this skill," Lavender looked a bit disappointed, so Reyna added, "Zoolingualism is a very helpful skill, and it's rumored that Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them and a very skilled magizoologist, was born with this ability. You can also send and receive messages, gain helpful information about the enemy, and enlist animals to help you," the Lion looked a bit more hopeful. "As for you, the ability to manipulate wood, is as rare, if not rarer, then manipulating books, and few people have this ability. With proper training, you can even infuse them with protection magic, rendering even the killing spells useless," Ron's jaw dropped about an inch.

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