"You alright?" I hear faintly on my right.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

He shrugged. "Maybe, but you seemed really spaced out just now."

"Oh, I didn't realize."

"Are you okay, though?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm good."

"I'm not convinced," he egged on, knowing me too well.

"My mind just started to wander, I guess."

"Where'd it go?" I look over and see him smiling. He was proud of that one. I could tell.

With a smile of my own, I told him, "It just went for a bit of a walk."

"Haha," he said dryly. "What're you thinking about? Or perhaps it's a who that's invaded your mind?"

How is it that he just knows me this well? I can't tell him I was thinking of him. That's just weird. "Why do you assume it's a person?"

"I just have that gut feeling, Max. It only works with you, ya know."

"It's a curse," I joked.

"Maybe for you. But now, it's confirmed that you were thinking of a person."

"I didn't confirm anything."

"Exactly. You would've answered if it was anything else."

"I hate you." Any person in their right mind would know that isn't true.

"Yeah, sure. Now, spill. Who's on your mind?"

"Does it matter?" I don't bother trying to change the subject because I know he wouldn't let me.

"Of course it does! Hello, that's why I'm asking," he says seriously.

I let out a quiet laugh. "Just...someone."

"Oh, c'mon, Max. It's not that big of a deal."

Easy for you to say. You've never liked your best friend in a non-platonic way, I thought to myself.

"Well, maybe I like someone, and I don't want to talk to you about it."

"Wow, you are capable!"

"What's that supposed to mean, hmm?"

"You liking someone seems so rare."

"You act like I've never gone out with anyone." I may not have had many serious relationships, but I've definitely liked my fair share of people and have gone on quite a few dates.

"For all I know, you haven't. You never bring up your relationships. I always initiate the conversation, and you never get into it. You could be gay, and I would have no idea."

Bisexual, actually, I mentally correct him.

"I just-"

"Why? Why don't you ever talk to me about that kind of stuff? Do you not trust me or something?"

My eyes widened. "Of course I trust you!" I rushed to say. "I just don't talk about my relationships. I don't know. It's not like it's a touchy subject, but I don't really like talking about it much, I guess."

"Is it because your gay? Because it doesn't bother me if you are, you know."

"I'm not gay." I shake my head. "And if I were, I still wouldn't want to talk about my relationships." This is my opportunity to tell him...But I chicken out. I can't get myself to get the words out. There's only two of them. Yet, they're so hard to say.

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