It Came From Outer Space (Alien/Reader)

Start from the beginning

I feel sigh escaped from my mouth as I realized what I needed to do. I had no weapons to fight off the alien and no good to bribe it with. But I did have a distraction.

Looking back at the screen I noticed that the Xenomorph had gotten even closer to the door. I rolled the chair I was in further down the control panel, finding the emergency alarm indicators. Dark red lights that would flash in correspondence with where ever the alarms was set off. Most were to indicate has leaks or fires. I couldn't get out of the control room to set one off but I could bypass the hardware and cause one to go off.

"The storage room will do," I said to myself.

On my waist was a tool belt from when I would do maintenance repairs on the ship. I took out a screw driver and began taking out the screws in the control panel, lifting it up to see the wires underneath. I put the screw driver back in my belt and took out my pocket knife and cut a blue wire connected to the storage room alarm.

As soon as the wire was cut I heard the alarms all the way in the ship's storage room go off. The loud noise blared through the ship as the alarm light began to flash on the control panel.

I looked back over to the security monitor. The Xenomorph, startled by the sudden loud noise, bared its teeth and went after the source of the sound.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I raced towards the door, unlocking it with its remote. The door raised up with a whirring mechanical noise that the Xenomorph was sure to hear.

I bolted down the corridors of the ship, looking around corners as I did so. I soon found myself in the sleeping cabin. I made my way to my bed and went through the metallic nightstand beside the bed. Reaching in I found my medication, a small orange bottle filled with clozapine pills. There was enough in the bottle to last me another week. We were scheduled to be back on Earth before my prescription ran out. Obviously, I hadn't taken into count that the ship would be taken over by an alien.

I sighed as I put the bottle in my pants pocket. I looked around at the other empty beds in the sleeping quarters. It was yet another reminder that I was the only one left. And it was a reminder that i needed to live.

I wasn't going to let that thing kill me.

I slowly made my way out of the room, peaking around the corners of the ship. It had gotten awfully quiet which was a major red flag.

As I walked down the corridors of the spacecraft, I noticed claw marks that had punctured through the metal of the ship. My heart raced as I realized once again that there were no weapons on the ship. No guns, no knives. However, there was a flame thrower and surgical needles for testing. There was no way I was going to try and stab the Xenomorph. Their blood was both pressurized and acid, making puncture wounds fatal to myself. And the flame thrower, although helpful when disposing of waste, seemed to be a big risk using inside the ship.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I continued to slowly walk back to the control room.

Before I could make it back, I heard it.

A low, animalistic growl.

My head darted around, checking behind me and above me. It sounded close and yet it was no where to be seen.

I took a deep breath and slowly began to walk again. The growling didn't stop. It got louder, echoing throughout the entire ship, making it impossible to pinpoint.

As I walked the volume of the alien growl got loude and louder until there was nothing.


I came to a full stop again. This was getting exhausting.

I slowly turned my head, peeking over my shoulder once again. My eyes examined the dark corridor behind me. Nothing.

"This is ridiculous," I said.

I turned back around to continue my trip back to control room but instead was met with an brutal spam to the ground, causing a scream to escape my lips. The alien creature screeched back, its second set of jaws extended from its mouth towards my face. My head was pushed into the cold metal of the floor with the Xenomorph's clawed talons.

"Let me go! You fucking bastard!" I screamed.

The Xenomorph growled and then leaned closer to my face and locked it.

Oh. Hell. No.

I writhed under the alien, hitting it with my knee as many times as I physically could before it loosened its grip.

I pulled myself out from under the monster and made my way up to my feet. Before I could run towards away the Xenomorph moved in front of me, sitting down in the ground. It began to sway its tail back and forth.

I stood there in shock as I looked down at the beast, which was now calm.

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

The Xenomorph let out another growl. It didn't sound as threatening before. This time it seemed more like a way to communicate.

"What do you want?" I asked. It was m ok re of a rhetorical question, knowing that the alien had no way of actually telling me. I hesitantly stepped closer, reaching my hand out.

The Xenomorph tilted its oblong head forward, letting me touch the smooth, translucent exoskeleton. It let out another ground, almost like a pur.

"This is so fucking weird," I thought.

"Did you kill my crew just because you wanted someone to pet your head? Because that's pretty fucked up," I said.

The Xenomorph stood up slowly, towering over me. It brought its claw up quickly, causing me to flinch. I was sure it was going to kill me then and there.

But instead, it gently traced over a spot on my face. Outlining what I knew to be a spot of discolored skin. The Xenomorph brought its head down and bumped it on my foward.

Before I could even react to the strange encounter, the Xenomorph bolted into the darkness back into hiding. I was left there frozen, discombobulated and in shock.

"I don't know what the hell that was about but I'm not staying in space to find out," I thought as I finally made it back to the control room.

I sat down by the control panel, falling asleep as I drifted further into space.


Author's Note: Oh, shit. This was so bad. I apologize, I know. I had no idea how to even approach this request. I've watched Alien before but I don't know how to write Xenomorph fanfiction. I tried reading some to help me out but I just....couldn't get behind it. I just don't get the hype. So I apologize with how this turned out.

 So I apologize with how this turned out

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