I gave him a concerned look as his boxy smile appeared on his face again, hiding all his pain behind it, "Kook, I won't lie to you, come here!" he opened his arm out to me so I can come hug into it. 

I quickly shook my head no.. "Jin hyung is right next door!"

"So? He was doing school stuff after a weekend of traveling he's probably stuffing his face as we speak and then he will knock out. Trust me!"

"Then we can wait till he knocks out!" I earned a sigh from him as he was disappointed in me and he crossed his arms together and pouted at me. 

I kept ignoring and telling him about my new idea for school. "Hyung, I personally think instead of procrastinating we should study what we learned in class when we get home that away we're not stressing about the test every time!" He didn't seem to be paying too much attention at that as he kept subtly rolling his eyes as his way of playing hard to get. Just then Jin hyung came into the room...

"Hey kids, I am off to bed! Taehyungie want some medicine or ice pack before I go? You hurting still? "

"He's good hyung, you get rest I'll take care of him!"

"Okay!" He smiled, "If you get hungry I put the rest of the pizza in the fridge, okay?"

We both nodded and smiled as he closed the door.

"Wow, so you like push me off the couch, and then talk about school? Won't even cuddle my poor body in pain. Kinda sad about that!" Tae hyung finally spoke out

I felt myself smiling at how much of a child he acts sometimes. It's endearing. I can't help but find it cute when he does this, because when he is in even a bit of pain he turns into a baby. I am just not used to him acting this cute to me. When he opened his mouth to speak again I rammed my lips in his taking him by shock.

"Jeon Jungkook! I didn't know you do stuff like that!" he was being smug again, the usual

"And I didn't know that you that you would turn into a cute baby when you're sick!" I got on my knees moving closer to him and laid down on the pillow, I put my arms out like he usually does to me waiting for him to quickly embrace the crap out of me. He wasted no time giggling and aggresively jumping onto me, his head laying on my chest.

"Wait no turn off the light!" I said annoying him as he moved quickly, running back after turning the lights off

"You know for someone in pain you sure move fast!" I giggled

I heard him giggle too as I felt him breathe me in and let out of a soft sigh. 


"They are totally here! Jin hyung told me!" I heard Jimin hyungs voice coming from the distance as I was slowing drifting awake. I was feeling delirious as I slowly started to open my eyes quickly closing them back as the sun was hitting right in my eyes. 

"Oh man! Holy shit!" I heard the door open then shut quickly, making me jump

"Jimin! You dumb idiot I told you to knock!" Yoongi hyung?

I was now awake unable to move because of the body that was completely embraced into mine. Oh Taehyungie hyung, I can't remember how this happened, oh wait.... I do.

"Hyung! Up!" I yelled trying to move him of me slowly. I didn't think throwing him off me was an option... anymore!

He was still sleepy refusing to wake up! "Hyung Jimin and Yoongi hyung just walked in on us!" I scream whispered

Yeah, that did it. I saw him jump up really fast and look around the room. We both quickly got off the bed and jogged to the living room. There they were both sitting on the couch just waiting for us to come, legs crossed and everything. 

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