He pretended to act hurt and pouted as we neared the parking lot. “So you’re leaving me alone?”

          I giggled and pinched his cheek, only Zack would think of that in a situation like this. “Aw, poor baby. Don’t worry mommy will take care of you when she comes back.”

          Zack swatted my hand away, chuckling and opened the door for me. Such a gentleman.

          The restaurant wasn’t exactly a fancy one. The light was dim and there were round tables everywhere, with the colour scheme of red, black, and orange. He led me to a little booth at the back of the place and settled down in a chair, while I immediately plopped down on the leather sofas.

          A soft melody played in the background while light whispers of other couples’ conversations floated around the room.

          We remained in a comfortable silence as a middle aged woman came to take our orders, bringing us two glasses of water on the way. I decided to choose whatever Zack wanted, which turned out to be a beef and rice wrap.

          Zack was looking down at his hands and staring out the window, and I guessed that if I looked down, he would be tapping his feet lightly. These were all the things that he did when he was nervous, but why would he be?

          We were just laughing and joking around five minutes ago, why the sudden change of mood?

          “Are you okay?”

          Taken of guard, Zack quickly nodded – a bit too quickly might I add. “Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

          I shrugged. “I don’t know, you just seem…distracted.”

          “Actually, there is something I’d like to talk to you about.” He ran his hands through his hair, looking everywhere but at me. I started to get really anxious. That was another thing he did when he was about to do something he didn’t like, or like I said before, when he was nervous.

          “What’s wrong?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

          Zack Diaz was a person who hardly gets nervous or anxious. He was confident, but not very cocky. Unprepared tests, tough competitions and unpracticed games were things that he dealt with every day, and he was used to it.

          He remained silent for a second, staring at me with a look in his emerald eyes that I couldn’t figure out. With a sigh, he finally spoke up, “Look, Melanie-”

          “Here are your orders, would you like anything else?” the woman came back, interrupting what he was about to say.

          Looking frustrated with himself, he muttered a ‘No, thank you’ before turning his attention to his plate of food.

          “What were you saying?” I couldn’t help myself asking.

          “Let’s talk about it after dinner. So how’s your wrap?” he asked, bringing his own wrap up to his mouth, and quickly changing the subject.

          What was going on with him? Just this afternoon he was laughing and joking around and most importantly, acting normal. But now he was being cold and dodgy. I really was worried about what he was about to say to me.

          Although that reminded me, did this have to do with the odd looks he had when we were getting ready for the concert?

          “It’s alright. We have the same thing, remember?”

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