Jimin picked out his phone from Yoongi and called him.

"Jimin?" Yoongi's confused voice came from the other line and Jimin almost broke down then and there. "Do you need help with breakfast?" Yoongi offered, as it sounded like he was shifting to get up from their bed.

"The elevator broke down," Jimin said in a panic. "I'm really scared Yoongi... it's really dark in here can you please come to get me? It's... giving me bad memories..." Jimin panted, sweating already. He was afraid of the dark thanks to his father. His hand shook he wanted to get out of there immediately. He just wished he never got out of bed. Tears filled his eyes.

"Don't worry ok Jimin? I'll be right there just wait ok?"

"I'll try..." Jimin said closing his eyes he was really scared of the dark. The only reason he got through nights was Yoongi holding him closely. But Yoongi wasn't here right now.

He was going to make sure Cathrine was never going to pull a stunt like this again.

He sat down talking to Yoongi trying to soothe his fear.

Cathrine had done some serious digging on Jimin.


Yoongi held Jimin close to his chest as Jimin cried. Jimin's tears were real he was utterly terrified of the dark.

"I'm so sorry Jimin," Yoongi soothed caressing Jimin's hair.

"Yoongi..." Jimin muttered wiping his tears away.

"I think that someone crashed the elevator on me purposely," Jimin mumbled.

"You mean Cathrine?" Yoongi asked confused.

"I met her downstairs in the kitchen... and... Yoongi, she looked into me she found out I wasn't related to Jin hyung and she even knew my father abused me..." he muttered. "I am so scared Yoongi," Jimin looked up at his boyfriend.

Yoongi was filled with rage.

He picked up his phone dialing Namjoon's number.

"Get that fucking bitch out of this fucking house," Yoongi demanded. His voice was so loud that Taehyung and Jungkook's had come out of their rooms from the other floor.

"W-what? Yoongi what are you talking about? Calm down," Namjoon said trying to calm the angered boy.

"Fuck no I'm not going to calm down, do you even know what she just fucking pulled? She dug into Jimin's personal life, and she crashed the elevator he was in, knowing he was afraid of the dark. I want her out. And I want to make sure she learns a lesson before that happens," Yoongi stated as he held Jimin closer to himself. Taehyung and Jungkook rushed up from the stairs.

"That bitch is going to get it," Jungkook said about to go downstairs but Taehyung stopped him.

"No," Jimin said making everyone go silent and confused.

"I'm not going to let her know she affected me, I won't let her have that satisfaction," Jimin said wiping his tears.

Yoongi felt something fill in his chest. Jimin was so strong and smart. And he was willing to trust his boyfriend. He nodded kissing Jimin's forehead.

"What do you want us to do?"


Taehyung looked at Jungkook who nodded.

They all shared a small smile.


"Did you know otters hold hands so they don't drift apart while sleeping?" Jimin asked making Jungkook laugh.

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