He was staring at me, not moving his eyes even for a second. He knew he was making me uncomfortable but that didn't make him stop.

Why the hell did all the other people on the panel had to leave?!

Having all of them here and asking me the stupid old questions about the exam that I have practised so many times already sounded much better than being trapped with Mr. Van Doren right now.

Anyways I did as he said and sat down in front of him.

I was expecting him to throw the same old questions but he caught me off guard by asking,

" So Miss Williams would you like to say something about your dress code violation? "

He pointed out towards my chest.

What the fuck?

I was sure he knew I was not expecting this question by the way I was looking at him with wide eyes.

Since it took a three-hour drive to finally reach this office I had decided to take off my uniform dress jacket that has the logo of the institute and is compulsory for the students to wear but barely anyone follows the rule every time. I didn't think it was a big deal.

I looked down following his gaze which was settled on my chest. My white shirt had two of its buttons open and it showed just a tiny bit of cleavage. His problem is with the lack of a jacket, right? but I am still wearing my ID card so it shouldn't be an issue. So is the unbuttoned shirt the problem? I don't think it is that inappropriate though.

Why the hell does it matter to him anyway?

Nosey bitch.

But since I didn't have any proper explanation and I didn't want to get on his bad side in our first meeting alone I went ahead and tied one of the buttons as if that would make any difference. I cleared my throat " Umm, sir I -"

" Since you're not a legal adult I suppose your father signed your contract with our institute, So I'd like to know if you're okay with all the conditions... " He cut me off and went ahead to focus on the MacBook in front of him. Okay, I didn't think he would care to ask me that and that he would notice that I am underage so maybe my opinion may change some Itsy bitsy things. "... although your opinion hardly matters. ".

Maybe I was wrong. That was kind of rude, to say the least.

Shit is getting real now. My opinion might not matter but I am still going ahead and telling him what kind of shitty rules his useless team came up with.

" Yes sir, I think the strict rules and the degree of control they impose on students' life, especially the corporal punishments is -... " why the hell is not paying attention to me and scrolling through his fucking phone. " ...so I'd hope for some relaxation since I am also just seventeen. "

He sighed midway through my rant and looked up at me putting his phone down. The way he was so nonchalant about my concerns were starting to irritate me. His expressions were unbelievably stoic.

" Well then , how about we make some exceptions for you Ms. Williams ? " he asked .

And when I tell you I gasped I mean it . Exceptions ? For me ? Why ?

For a few seconds I searched his face for any hints of sarcasm or fury but the way his face was devoid of any expression further confused me .

" Sir , I'm not sure-

His phone ringed in the middle of my sentence.

" I'll deploy a team that will take care of modifying the rules and making them flexible for you . Now , Get out. "

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