x. sweater

243 11 3

thank you soph for giving me this idea without even realizing it :)

You sighed, flicking the TV off as you stood from the couch with a small stretch. You made your way into the kitchen and began making some tea, letting out a small yawn which caused you to glance at the time.


'Oops,' you thought to yourself. You hadn't meant to stay up that late but you had become pretty invested in your TV show so the time must have slipped from your attention. Realizing there was nothing you could do about it now, you turned your focus back to the tea as you finished up, making sure to tidy any mess before grabbing your cup and heading for the stairs.

"Bobby," you called, waiting a few seconds before the little dog appeared around the corner, "Cmon let's go to bed."

Bobby followed you upstairs and into your room, jumping on the bed and curling up as you set your tea on the bedside table for it to cool. You gave Bobby's head a few scratches before heading towards your closet, wanting to quickly get ready for bed since you had started to feel pretty tired after leaving the TV.

As you entered the small walk in closet you
couldn't help but glance at Tom's clothes that lined the right side of the wall. You couldn't help the sad smile that followed, realizing that he still wouldn't be home for a few more weeks.

You had already gone three weeks without him and you were missing him more and more each day; the calls and facetimes never feeling like enough time. His filming location had moved to the other side of the country and although you wished you could have gone with him, you knew that it wouldn't be logical to leave your job for over a month.

'Two more weeks,' you told yourself, wishing there was a way to speed up time. You sighed turning to search for some pajamas before a certain sweater caught your attention. You pulled it down from it place on the shelf, smiling at how soft it was and you wondered why Tom hadn't brought it with him as it had been his favorite one for the past couple of months.

'Must be too hot there for sweaters,' you thought, secretly a little thankful he had left it behind as it was one of your favorites that he owned as well.

Without a second thought you slipped it on, pulling on some pajamas pants before making your way back towards your bed. Bobby had already fallen asleep and you did your best not to wake him as you slipped into the bed, rearranging the blankets to your liking. Your efforts to not wake Bobby seemed to fail as he adjusted himself to be closer, laying his head against you.

"You like this sweater too huh?" you asked the little dog with a smile as you cuddled into him, "That makes three of us."

You continued to pet Bobby as you felt yourself growing more tired. Although you didn't have Tom with you, his sweater was just enough comfort to help you fall into a peaceful sleep; tea completely forgotten about.


You groaned as you felt your blankets move slightly and the bed dip next to you.

"Good morning my love."

You jumped slightly at the voice and quickly opened your eyes, not having expected anyone to be in your home. You were met with the smiling face of Tom who was sitting on the side of the bed next to you and your anxiety was immediately replaced with shock and excitement.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was-"

You didn't give him a chance to finish as you launched yourself into his arms.

"I- You're back!" you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him as he returned the hug; kissing the top of your head, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Tom replied, running his hand through your hair, "So much."

You pulled away slightly to meet his gaze, "How come your back? I thought you had two more weeks."

He gave you a smile and your heart filled with love at the sight of his happiness. God you had missed him.

"The directors wanted to rewrite a part of the script and they gave us a two week break so they could work on it," he replied, brushing some stray hair out of your face.

You smiled as you leaned into him again and he wrapped his arms around you. You would never get tired of his hugs, never in a million years.

"I see you stole my sweater," he commented and you felt your cheeks flush a little; thankful that he currently couldn't see your face.

"It was chilly last night," you replied and Tom
gave a small laugh at your poor excuse.

"It's cute," he interrupted before you could go on, pulling away just slightly so he could look at you, "You're cute."

This time you couldn't hide the blush that swept across your face but Tom just smiled.

"I think today should be a lazy day," he spoke, "Let me change and we can stay in bed for a while."

You nodded as he gently kissed you before standing from the bed and heading towards the closet. You laid back down on the bed, petting Bobby as you waiting for Tom to come back, your heart filled with a new found happiness at his return.

After a few minutes he appeared in your room again, making his way over to the bed and crawling in next to you.

"Hey little guy," Tom said as Bobby curled up next to him, "I missed you too."

Tom gave Bobby a few pets before adjusting himself so that he could wrap you in his arms while still letting Bobby cuddle close to him. You relaxed against his chest, feeling content and at peace now that you were finally back in Tom's embrace.

"I love you," Tom spoke as he placed another kiss on your head.

"I love you too," you replied snuggling a little closer as he ran his hand along your back. The gesture was soothing and before much longer you felt yourself falling back asleep, except this time you were happily snuggled into Tom's arms.



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