iv. studying

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It was Sunday night and you were currently at your desk, trying to complete all your assignments as well as study for a test you had this upcoming week. You had been studying for almost four hours now and you were growing more and more frustrated as time went on as you couldn't seem to remember any of your notes.

You could feel the anxiety beginning to set in as you stared at all the assignments that still needed to be completed before school tomorrow. You sighed in defeat, setting a few of your papers down and resting your head in your hands.

There was no way you were going to be able to get all of this done in time.

A knock at your door drew you out of your thoughts and you lifted your head in time to see Loki entering your work room.

"Are you going to come and eat?" Loki asked as he glanced between you and the many papers your had laying across your desk.

"I would love to, but I need to finish these assignments before tomorrow," you replied turning your attention to one of the papers in front of you, seeing that you hadn't even started it.

Loki stood next to you for a moment longer before, without a word, he turned and exited your room. You sighed, figuring that he was probably annoyed at you for spending a majority of the day locked away in your work room instead of with him.

You focused your attention back to the paper in front of you, reading the first question and already feeling defeated. If you didn't even know the first question, how on earth were you going to be able to complete the other two pages?

This time you let out a groan, crossing your arms on the desk in front of you and resting your head on them. You felt like giving up completely at this point, not feeling as if your efforts were truly worth it anymore.

You once again heard your door open, but you chose not to pay attention to it as you didn't feel like putting up with anyone right now.

"Here my love."

You glanced up slightly to see Loki place two plates of food on the table before pulling another chair up to your desk and sitting next to you.

"Loki what-"

"I figured we could eat while we work on your assignments," Loki replied, handing you a fork and flashing you a small smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him, already feeling less anxious about the work in front of you.

"You know you don't have to help," you spoke up, realizing that it was probably going to be more difficult now that you would practically have to teach Loki everything you had learned prior to these assignments, "You don't even know what we've been learning."

Loki just shrugged, "I'm sure I'll be able to understand at least some of it."

You watched as Loki grabbed the paper you had previously been trying to complete, his face filling with concentration for a moment before he nodded.

"Here, I think I know what this one is asking."

You glanced between him and paper, confused as to how he could possibly know what the question meant.

"I think they're trying to connect these two ideas," Loki started. He continued to explain the question to you, walking you through all the small details that your hadn't even noticed before. Once he was done you quickly filled in the answer before you could forget everything he had just told you.

"How did you know that? You don't even take this class," you asked, taking a few bites of your food.

Loki smiled, "I've read a book on this subject before, it was quite fascinating."

"You find this entertaining?" you didn't try to hide the amusement in your voice as you gave a small laugh, "Loki if these are the books your reading, you really need to find another hobby."

Loki tried his best to look annoyed as he rolled his eyes, but you could easily see the smile on his face.

"You should be thankful I've read those books," he teased, "Otherwise I'd be just as lost as you are and you wouldn't have any help."

You laughed once again, "Okay, okay, but I seriously don't know how you can find this interesting."

Loki just smirked as he grabbed the paper again, moving on the next question. Just like the last one he understood what was being asked so he explained it further to you so you could figure out the answer.

The two of you continued like this through paper after paper. If you came across a question you didn't understand, Loki would read it over, explain it in more detail which would then help you generate an answer.

You hadn't even realized how fast you were moving through your assignments now until you reached for another paper to find that your desk was empty.

"Wait, we're done?" you asked, filled with both shock and relief.

"I would assume so, seeing as there are no more papers," Loki answered, his eyes shining playfully. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes before you packed up your assignments and Loki took the dishes back downstairs.

You exited your room, meeting Loki in the hallway before making your way to your bedroom for the night seeing as you had to get up early the next day for class.

As the two of you finally climbed into bed, Loki pulled you close to him as you relaxed in his arms.

"Thank you," you spoke just loud enough for him to hear, "You didn't have to help."

"I did," Loki replied, kissing your head, "That's what I'm here for."

You couldn't help but smile as you snuggled into his embrace.

"I wouldn't change it for the world."


for soph<3


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