vii. healing

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this is pt. 2 to battle :)

The next time you woke up it was to the sound of quiet voices within the room. You opened your eyes and shifted slightly, the noise catching the attention of those who had been talking.

"Hey," Loki appeared next to you, his voice gentle as he spoke, "How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful," you replied. Your voice radiated exhaustion but Loki could still hear the sarcasm laced within it and you didn't miss the smirk of amusement that flashed across his face.

"Steven said you can move to your room if that would be more comfortable," Loki spoke as he gently brushed some hair out of your face.

"Please," you replied, already feeling happier about not having to stay in the medical room. Loki nodded, giving you a soft smile.

You began to try and sit up but Loki intervened, pulling you into his arms, making sure to be gentle so he didn't hurt you.

"Loki-" you started but he didn't let you finish.

"Don't even try to argue," he spoke, giving you his infamous smirk causing a smile to form on your face.

You relaxed in Loki's arms are he carried you to your room, leaning your head against his chest and closing your eyes.

"Don't fall asleep yet my love," Loki spoke gently as he entered your room, "Stephen is bringing some food."

You sighed, not really feeling in the mood to eat but also not feeling in the mood to argue with Loki about it. All you wanted right now was to lay in bed with Loki and sleep off the pain.

Loki gently set you down on your bed and in the process he accidently bumped your side which resulted in you letting out a small involuntary cry of pain, gripping his arm as you closed your eyes and waited for the pain to subside.

"Darling I'm so sorry," you could hear the sincerity and worry in his voice as he sat down on the side of the bed next to you, moving his hand to your cheek once more as he wiped away a tear you hadn't even realized had fallen, "I never meant to hurt you."

"It's okay," you said, taking a few breaths as the pain became bearable once more. You finally relaxed your grip on Loki's arm and opened your eyes, your gaze meeting Loki's concerned one.

"Are you okay?" Loki's voice was soft and filled with guilt as he spoke.

"Yes, I'm okay," you answered, giving him a reassuring smile but Loki still didn't seem convinced, "Loki, I promise I'm okay."

Before either of you could say anything more, Stephen appeared with some food and you were almost grateful for the distraction. Almost. Right now, the sight of food made your stomach uneasy and you wished that they would just let you sleep.

'Y/N," Stephen spoke as he entered the room and set the bowl of soup on your bedside table, "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better," you replied with a half hearted smile.

"You'll start feeling better in a few days, don't worry," Stephen assured you, "And then before you know it you'll be back out on missions too."

Stephen then departed from the room with a smile, leaving you and Loki alone once more.

"I don't know if I'll be able to eat that," you groaned, "It's already making me feel sick."

"Please just try," Loki pleaded and you knew he wasn't going to back down, "For me?"

You held his gaze for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Fine."

You managed to eat at least some of the soup, which pleased Loki, before you told him you couldn't eat any more. He seemed satisfied enough though as he set it back on the table and moved to the other side of the bed, crawling in next to you.

You could already feel the tiredness filling your body as Loki pulled himself close to you, resting his hand on your hip to make sure he didn't accidently hurt you again but the constant throbbing on your side gave you a different idea.

You grabbed Loki's hand and moved it so that it gently rested on top of the bandage, the slight pressure from his hand instantly making the throbbing more of a dull pulse.

"Darling are you sure that's comfortable?" Loki asked, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you again.

"It feels better like that," you replied sleepily as you relaxed into Loki arms.

Loki kissed your head, making sure he stayed awake until you had fallen asleep first and only then did he finally allow himself to drift off as well.



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