xi. cold

261 10 5

soph i stg everything you say inspires a story lmao

You woke up to the sound of wind and rain as a storm carried on outside your house. A chill swept through the air causing you to shiver, glancing at the window with a sigh.

'Damn it,' you thought to yourself as you reluctantly pulled the blankets off of you. Of course you had forgotten to close the window on the one night of the week that it was supposed to be cold and stormy.

You carefully pulled yourself out of bed, making sure to not wake Tom who slept peacefully next to you after a long day at work. You made your way across the room, internally cursing yourself for being so forgetful before gently closing the window; blocking out both the cold and the sound of the storm.

You yawned as you walked back to your bed, just wanting to get comfortable again so you could quickly fall back asleep. As you slipped back into your bed, you once again make sure to be quiet and careful; the last thing you wanted to do was wake Tom as well.

As soon as he stepped through the door after returning from work you could tell that he had had a long day. He was quieter than usual as the two of you ate dinner and almost as soon as you were done the two of you decided to call it a night; heading upstairs to watch a movie in bed. Tom hadn't even made it through half the movie before he was asleep in your arms and you had turned it off shortly after that deciding that an early nights sleep wouldn't hurt.

After laying in bed for around a half an hour you knew that falling back asleep was going to be harder than you expected. There was still a chill in the room which every now and then caused you to shiver; pulling the blankets tighter around yourself.

You almost jumped as you felt Toms arms wrap around you, pulling you close to him. You hadn't expected him to be awake and you felt guilty thinking that your restlessness might have been the reason he had woken up.

"Sorry if I woke you," you spoke softly as you shifted so that you could cuddle close to him; resting your head on his chest.

Tom just kissed your head in response and you couldn't tell from his reply if you had been the cause or not; but either way he didn't seem to care much.

"You're so cold," he commented, glancing down to meet your gaze as he tucked some hair behind your ear.

"I accidentally left the window open and it's raining outside," you explained, already starting to warm up now that you were pressed close to him.

Tom just hummed in response, relaxing once more as he held you against him; his hand running through your hair and across your back. You began to relax as well, warmth starting to fill your body and you were thankful that Tom had worn one of his comfy sweaters to bed tonight.

You rested your head against his chest, the calming rhythm of his heart beat pulling you closer to sleep. You allowed yourself to completely relax in his embrace, feeling nothing but warmth and love as you cuddled into him and finally drifted back to sleep.


i'm sorry i keep mentioning sweaters... that picture of him in the purple one has done something to me.


loki / tom one shots.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat