i. rain

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It was early when you first woke up to the sound of rain falling outside the Stark Tower. You rolled over, trying to fall back asleep but the rain and light thunder was enough to keep you wide awake.

You sighed and sat up, noticing the light chill in the air as you turned to glance to your sleeping husband next to you. You smiled at the sight of how peaceful Loki looked in his sleep but it didn't last long as the second you stood from the bed Loki stirred a bit before opening his eyes.

He stretched a little before rolling over slightly so he could see the clock.

"4:45AM," Loki commented with a tired yawn, "How come you're up so early?"

"The rain woke me up and I couldn't fall back asleep," you answered, "I thought I would sit in the living room and watch it out the big windows for a bit."

Loki nodded and after a moment spoke up again, "I'll join you."

"You don't have to, I know it's early," you replied, but he shook his head as he moved to sit at the edge of the bed.

"I won't be able to fall back asleep if you're not next to me," Loki said and you gave him a small smile.

You quickly changed into the comfiest sweats you owned as well as a sweatshirt Loki had given you, before finishing your comfy outfit with some fuzzy socks.

You walked out of the bathroom to see Loki still sitting at the edge of the bed, his gaze lost within the room. Through the small glow of the city lights you could see his hair was disheveled and he still looked half asleep. He wore one of Thor's old tee shirts as his sleep shirt and although you knew he would never admit it, Loki loved the t-shirt and you would often find him wearing it when he thought no one would notice.

"Ready?" you asked and Loki turned his gaze to you with a nod.

You made your way into the living area of the tower and settled on a couch that was facing the window, revealing all the lights below. Loki stretched across the couch, placing his head in your lap and giving you a tired smile. You returned the gesture as he closed his eyes and you ran your fingers through his tangled hair. You turned you gaze to the city before you as the rain continued to pour and light thunder and lightning could be heard and seen.

You grabbed one of the blankets on the back of the couch and draped it over the two of you. Within minutes of settling into the comfort of the couch Loki had fallen asleep again, just as the sun began to rise.

You tried your hardest to remember every detail of the morning, taking in every moment of peace as if it were your last.



loki / tom one shots.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ