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chapter iii

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chapter iii.   bloodstains

Evelynn's morning had been eventful

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Evelynn's morning had been eventful. She had woken up emotionally drained, her eyes were puffy from the crying she had done the night before and all in all, she felt like shit.

     On top of that, Jane had informed Evelynn's family about the incident and now her father was demanding her back home.

     "Why did you tell them?" Evelynn asked in annoyance. The hybrid was irritated. Her family, her dad's side of the family, were people she hardly had contact with. She only visited them two weeks every summer, and it was the worst. And now they were demanding her back home all because of the incident.

     "They're still your family, Evelynn. They care a lot about you and they have a right to know." The hybrid scoffed at Jane's response and rolled her eyes, knowing that it was complete bullshit. Her family never really reached out to her directly. Everything goes through Jane and it had been that way since Evelynn could remember.

     "I just don't get why Logan wants me home. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about." The brunette opened her third blood bag of the morning and began to drink away. She was annoyed with Jane, with her family and especially her father. Who was he to just demand her home? He never gave two shits about Evelynn and all of a sudden he wants to play daddy dearest.

     "He's still your father and has every right to worry about you. Plus, you've had two near death experiences, and they think—well he thinks— it's better for you to go back home." Evelynn finished her blood and threw it away, shaking her head furiously at Jane.

     "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here, this is my home. Just tell him I'll see him in the summer. I'm over this conversation." Jane let out a heavy sigh, watching as the brunette walked away from the kitchen. The older woman didn't want the hybrid to leave her, she loved Evelynn as if she were her own, but her family didn't think Jane was fit enough to look after Evelynn anymore, especially after what happened with Peter.

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     Evelynn sat next to Lydia in biology, trying her best to pay attention to her notes, but it proved to be difficult. The conversation from earlier that morning kept replaying in her head and it just made her angrier.

bloodstains,        𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟₂Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang