Chapter 4

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Nikolai Stan

*flashback - 10 years ago*

Dad was ill again. We were in hospital again. Mum was mad again.

She would never hurt me when dad was in hospital, she would just not pay attention to me. She told me that. She said she liked spending time with herself when we were alone.

My dad didn't like that. He would call from the hospital and tell her to take care of me. And would tell me to keep an eye on her.

She would never hurt me when dad was in hospital. She said that.

But then she left. She left the night dad was admitted in the hospital. I was hungry. I was crying. But she didn't came back.

She left.

Mr. Shepard, our neighbor, heard me. He fed me and took me to the hospital to dad.

Dad was mad. He was also very sad. He cried.

He hugged me and told me everything will be okay.

But everything was okay. Mum would never hurt me, she had said , she would never hurt me.

She will come back, dad will be okay. We are okay.


The first day, dad read me storybooks , watched movies with me. He fed me. He ordered my favorite snacks for me.

Then the doctor came and told me to wait outside.

Dad kissed my head and said I love you.

Then the nurse took me out. She told me to stay where I was or I will regret it.

I didn't listen to her. As soon as she left, I started walking in the corridor. There I saw stairs which led upstairs.

So I went.

This floor was same as the last one. But here a girl was sitting on one of the benches. She was hugging herself watching one of the doors. She had little pigtails. She was pouting at the door.

I went to her. "Hi."

She looked at me , frowned and turned back to door.

"Hey." I said again.

She again didn't say anything.

"It's rude to ignore." Again nothing. "What is your name?"

She turned to me and let out a puff of air. "Dad said not to talk to strangers." And then went back to pouting at the door.

"You don't have a name?" Again no answer but this time she glared at me.

"Fine. I will call you Bells."

She narrowed her eyes. "But that's a cat's name."

"No,it's not."

"Yes. it is."

"It's not!"

"It is!"

"Okay. Which cat!?"

She put a finger on her chin, showing that she was thinking. She thought for few more seconds. Then "I don't know but it is."

"That's stupid."

"You are stupid."

"You are annoying, Bells"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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