Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! I decided that I'm going to do the one-shot book, as soon as I finish writing the 1st phase of this story here (just for the record, there will be 3 phases), It's because I want to write something for Luca and also because the caliente little moments I'm writing here aren't enough for me lol. Bye ^^

Hearing nothing but the bubbles that formed when your body hit the water, your eyes slowly opened to see what was in front of you. Until it was a beautiful landscape, seaweed moving against the tide, small fish swimming in shoals and the sun making everything look so bright and alive.

All of a sudden, you started to feel like you were sinking. As you looked up, you began to despair when you saw that, in fact, you were sinking. You wanted to swim back to the surface, but your body didn't seem to obey your commands when you found yourself again in the dream of sinking into the sea.

Your eyes closed again, until you were startled to feel something grab your hand and pull you back up. When you saw who it was, an involuntary smile formed on your face and your fear seemed to fade again.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Alberto asked worriedly.

Pulling him close, you wrapped him in a strong hug.

"You didn't let me sink." You said, without hiding your contentment.

"I won't let you sink, ever." He muttered lovingly, while rubbing your back. 

You two smiled at each other and waited for Luca.

"Well, here I go. Do you think you'll be okay here without us for a while?" Luca asked Giulia.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, but you guys have to promise me you'll tell me everything that happened." She replied, before giving him a wink.

"Leave it to us." Luca said between giggles, before diving and disappearing into the water.

As soon as she didn't see him anymore, Giulia's smile slowly faded.

She knew that what she was going through was completely natural and part of life, but she couldn't help but be sad that it kept her from accompanying her friends at that very important moment in your life.

After letting out a sad sigh, she sat down on the floor and opened a book to the first page.

Although it had been a while since he'd been here, Luca smiled widely when he saw that he knew exactly which way to go back home.

"What are you waiting for, map? Lead the way!" Alberto exclaimed happily, which made you and Luca laugh.

"Over there." He pointed out the direction and the three of you followed the path.

You looked around and came to the conclusion that the ocean was not frightening, on the contrary, you were completely enchanted by every little thing you saw. Alberto held your hand all the time, it didn't take you long to notice that he was making an immense effort to try to carry you along with him.

You slowly started to move your legs to swim and were surprised to see that now you could swim because you lost your fear.

"Sweetheart, you can let go of my hand." You asked him.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked.

You gave his hand a tender kiss and nodded.

Alberto smiled and slowly released your hand, startling when you suddenly started swimming around at high speed, as if you had already done that several times. He was right, even though you were born and raised on land, a part of you would always belong to the sea.

You felt such happiness that it barely fit inside your chest. You swam back to the boys and enveloped them in a hug. Luca smiled and the idea of ​​you two possibly being siblings started to growing on him.

You grabbed their hands and taking a impulse, the three of you swam up and jumped out of the water. For the first time in your life, you felt a feeling of belonging and it was even better than you thought it would be.

Arriving at the farm, Lorenzo was about to take the goat fish to graze, while Daniela was collecting seaweed. They were anxious, as their son had called saying that the next day he would visit Portorosso for the summer.

But Luca lied, because he wanted to surprise them. And what a surprise.

As soon as they spotted the young sea monsters approaching, they soon dropped everything they were doing and swam as fast as they could to the most important thing in their lives.

Seeing them approaching, you hid behind Alberto, although he couldn't hide you completely.

"Be calm, everything will be fine." He whispered to you.

"I'm so nervous." You confessed in another whisper.

"It's part of it."

You leaned over to look and saw Luca being covered in kisses by his mother.

"We missed you so much, son." Lorenzo said, before placing a kiss on the top of his head.

"I miss you two too, everyday." He replied between laughs of bliss.

After the celebration of seeing their son in person again after so many years, they finally noticed the other young sea monsters there.

"Oh, I see you brought guests." Daniela said with a smile.

You took a deep breath, feeling that at any moment you would pass out from lack of air.

"Hey Danny." Alberto greeted her casually.

"And who's your new friend?" Lorenzo asked.

Seeing that you didn't have the courage to introduce yourself to them, Alberto swam in front of you, took your hands and looked you in the eye.

"Honey, you can do this." He said.

"No, no I cannot." You repeated in a tearful voice. 

"That's Bruno talking, don't let him stop you from doing something you really want to."

As you two talked, Daniela felt that you looked strangely familiar.

Without you noticing, she swam to you and rested a hand on your shoulder, making your spine freeze.

"Excuse me, young lady."

Your boyfriend gave you a nod and you took a deep breath.

Slowly, you turned around and came face to face with her. She immediately became astonished, her hands covering her mouth as she seemed to start to cry.

After a short silence, you decided to say something.

"... H-hi I'm..."

"Y/N!" She yelled interrupting you as she swam closer and wrapped you in a hug so tight, you could heard some of your bones pop.

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