Chapter Ten: Conviction

Start from the beginning

"You're here!" Yua yelled and waved, walking towards Sasuke. "I thought you guys bailed on us."

"We slept in." Sasuke put down rocks on the blanket to keep it in place. Unsealing the scroll, a basket of food and drinks lay in its place.

"Oh, well, I'm glad that you made it. She's enjoying this a lot." Yua set down her bag on the blanket as well. "We brought the towels."

"It's her first time." Sasuke finally sat down and took his shirt off. It really was a great time to be at the beach, it was really hot these days, and judging by the humid temperatures, the water was bound to be on the warmer side.

"That's sweet." Daiyū took her shoes off, "I'll be in the water if you need me." She dropped her sarong at Yua's side and ran off.

"I'll get going too, don't stay cooped up on dry land for too long." She winked and discarded her shirt, running after her girlfriend.

After a few minutes of watching Hinata play around with the two women, he finally stood up and made his way to the edge of the water.

"Finally joining me?" Hinata motioned for him to come closer as she made her way to him.

Sasuke shrugged, "it looks fun." He walked further and further into the warm water.

They stood in front of each other, her hands on her hips as she sized him up.

"Why don't you put your hat down?" He took it off her head.

"Will you do it for me?"

"Hn." He summoned his small hawk, handing it the hat to put down with their things.

"A little over the top, don't you think." She wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing her wet front against him.

"It's fine." He picked her up, placing her over his shoulder with ease.

Hinata squealed, flailing her legs as she giggled. "Put me down, Uchiha."

"I don't think you want me to do that."

She could hear the amusement in his voice. "Please?"

Sasuke was silent, "sure."

She fell into the water suddenly. Standing up quickly, she wiped her face, trying to move her wet strands out of her mouth. "I'm going to get you back for that."

"Try me." Sasuke smirked.

"You're on."

They swam after each other, Hinata desperately trying to catch up to him and dunk his head into the water, but he kept getting away with ease. Once she stood in the chest high water, her dress floating around her, and her arms crossed with a pout on her face, he stopped trying to get away from her.

"What's wrong?" He floated in the water a few feet away from her.

"It's not fair."

He raised his eyebrow.

"I have more stuff weighing me down so I can't swim faster." She lied.

"Then take it off." He finally stood up, walking closer to her but not too close.

"Help me?"

"Do it yourself." He could see the gears in her mind working overtime, trying to formulate a plan to get back at him.

"Please? I won't try anything, I promise." She smiled softly.

Sasuke studied her face for a while before he gave up. Standing in front of her, her held the edges of her dress and instructed her to lift her arms. Pulling the soaked material over her head, before he received a 'thanks', he was splashed in the face with water.

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