"What did you think of me then?"

"I liked you. I just wasn't head over heels for you yet."

I felt a little offended. I playfully asked, "so you liked me as a friend?"

"Mm-hmm," she hummed.

"With both?!"

"They were for the cases," she reasoned.

"What about Champagne?" I asked.

"You wanted chapstick."

"I wanted to kiss you," I chuckled.

She grinned. "And you got both. You're welcome."

As we were waiting for the shower to start, she lifted her arms up to stretch. Her tender sighs were warmer than the month of May. Her sweatshirt came up, and I noticed a deep and dark purple scar on her side that I've never seen before. My eyes darted down for just a moment, but I had to do a double-take.

I snuck my fingertips onto the mark and asked, "what's that from?"

"That?" She asked while looking down and pulling up her shirt again to get a good look at it. "That was when I was in juvie. I was lightly shanked."

I paused to make sure I heard her correctly. I twitched my fingers gently against her warm skin and I could feel an indent. "What? You were shanked?!"

"Lightly shanked. It was for a case. One of my first that wasn't at a high school." She shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"You were stabbed?!" I sat up a little bit to express my concern.

"Not that deep. It was pretty superficial, the scar looks worse than the actual wound was. It sucked in the moment, but looking back it was just one of those things... you know? And it was so long ago."

I guess that getting shanked isn't as bad as getting shot. But it just reminded me of how tough Mickey is. She had physical, and non physical scars that can't be seen with my eyes. I have scars too, and the pain can get hard but when I'm with her I don't feel a thing. I learn something new about her everyday, and that excites me.

My fingertips grazed her scar, feeling each ridge and bump. She laughed and pulled her shirt down to hide it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

She laughed and said, "it's ugly."

"I don't think it is. Scars mean you've survived. That's something you should be proud of. And it's you. And you are a goddess," I promised. She looked back at me tenderly, and I gave her a kiss.

I know that Mickey had never loved these impurities, but I was so in love with every single one of them because they were Mickey. Each one had a tale to tell, and they were perfect to me. She wasn't a blank slate. She had a history, stories, and this just proved that she was alive and has survived unimaginable things. I can't help it if my heart is falling for her.

When I was with Mickey, I found myself stumbling over my words and tripping over my own two feet. It's almost as if I'm in a state of shock whenever she's around. I turn into an absolute fool when I'm with her. Some people might think that I'm too young to be talking about forever, but I just want to tell the world that she's mine because our love is only getting stronger. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I've waited all my life just to find someone who makes me feel the way that Mickey does. How did I not know that she was the someone I've been waiting for?

I think I'm in love again. It makes me feel alive. Now, I've been in love before—or at least I thought I was in love. But I know now that Mickey is the one that I have been waiting for. Yes, I know all the signs. I think I've known ever since I met her, even though I got lost a time or two. I somehow couldn't see how every sign from the universe pointed straight to her, and into her loving arms. She killed the bachelor in me. When I'm with her, something tells me that this is it. I know that I will never fall in love again.

"Look!" Mickey pointed up at the sky which snapped me out of my thoughts

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Look!" Mickey pointed up at the sky which snapped me out of my thoughts. I followed her finger, and saw the meteor shower that was spraying above our heads. The shooting stars passed very quickly. She pulled the blanket up to our necks, which aided in the warmth. Fireflies danced around our truck, creating a cozy ambience.

I looked over at her and noticed that her eyes were closed and her nose was scrunched slightly. When she opened them, the stars were dancing in her bright eyes. I admired how mesmerized she was by the shooting stars, and I found her way more enchanting then the stars above. I'm just a fool for her, and I'm stuck like glue. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone the way that I love her.

Mickey noticed because she giggled at me and said, "don't look at me. Look at the stars."

"I am," I answered without looking away from her. As far as I'm concerned, the real stars live in her eyes. I was so lucky to call her mine. I could lay beside her and we could gaze into the stars together, for now and forever. I think we are simply meant to be.

Mickey snuggled back into me and we continued to admire the stars together, but I found it difficult when she was right there. I could be standing next to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but I would still only look at her. When she takes me in her arms, she drives me slowly out of my mind.

I felt her lips press onto my cheek, and I melted like butter. Every kiss gets just a little sweeter. The moon was shining bright in the sky, and the stars were telling us about all of their love and glory. We were taking this night of magic, and making it a night of love. There has never been someone who is so perfect for me, until I found her.

Northern Lights decided to join the party as they lit up the sky. They appeared in the dark sky as a colorful streak, and I felt Mickey gasp. Neither of us had ever seen them before, even though we have lived here our whole lives. I'd like to think that it was my dad, giving Mickey his blessing. He would have loved her, I just know it.

The Northern Lights danced for less than an hour, but they were magical. They came in a milky white color, almost like a cloud. The unique shades of green and yellow were light, and I was surprised because of all the photos I've ever seen of them, they were so vivid. I was glad to have that special moment with Mickey.

How can moments like these last forever? I never want our story to end. Our love for each other lives inside our hearts, and it always will. She will never know how much I love her, or how much I care about her. I learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling. And I get that feeling when I'm with Mickey.

Thank you for reading, hope you liked it! 💖

21 Jump Street (Tom Hanson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin