Chapter 7

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6 Years Later

So it's been six years and I  am 12 now. Everything has been going relatively normal well for my life anyway.  I was at the table with my parents just talking then remembered something that happened this morning at 5 am.  "Mom and dad I would like to announce that I have finished my college degrees officially, as of 5 am this morning."  Everything was silent for a second before there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to see my two best friends Hitoshi and Mei.  I  said good morning and let them in. Once Mei had her shoes off she jumped me and locked me in a hug, which I gladly hugged back.  They both said congratulations for me finishing college and I thanked them after getting off the ground and hugging Hito too, with others he doesn't really do the hugging thing but with me and Mei he doesn't complain so we assume he likes it.  Even if we were to ask, I doubt me grumpy would admit he actually loves us, but even if he won't admit it we make sure to let him know we love him and are there for him.  Going back to the kitchen my parents have big smiles on their faces and tell me congrats and mom said we can celebrate tonight and to invite everyone over.  Everyone included Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, Mei, and whoever else out of the heros wanted to come so I told her I would let them know, though Shota and Zashi don't have a choice and Mei and Hito already said they would come too.

After breakfast with everyone I dropped Mei and Hitoshi off at their respective schools then headed straight to UA to bug Shota of course like what else would I do now with all this free time.  Now lately I've been thinking of telling everyone what my quirk is one reason is because they are basically my family and I would literally die for them soo yeah.  The problem is if I do then everyone has to agree not to tell All Might because I know Nezu is planning on hiring him sooner or later and right now I hate the guy.  I hate All Might because he hurt my dad for no reason and he thinks he is in the right, lucky dad made it home in time for me to heal him so he doesn't have any permanent damage.  I was so lucky I came across that quirk just randomly on the street it is called Insta-Heal.

This quirk can heal any wound no matter what it is.  Drawback the user will feel all the pain from whatever injury it is for the entire day.

Luckily I also have a pain nullification quirk and that is pretty self explanatory, so I just always have it on as a passive thing now I had to train keeping it on of course but now it's as easy and simple as breathing for me.  Also I found an Immortality quirk this old guy had called Life.

Users can choose whether or not to die anytime but automatically stop aging at 21 it's always active.  When a user wants to die all they have to do is turn the quirk off and they will live a normal lifespan.

So now I am immortal no matter what.  I could jump off a building and heal instantly with no problem and just walk away like nothing ever happened.  I plan to keep the quirk active for a long while. Honestly, I want to explore the world and learn new things later in life.  I would also like to give copies of the quirk to Mei, Hito, Shota, and Zashi so I could have them with me for a long time but that is their choice.  Also I would like to give Hito and Shota a copy of Nonstop so they can not be so tired all the time and feel better but, these offers all come after I tell them about my quirk.  I already talked with my parents about telling them and they said it's my quirk if I want them to know I can tell them so I'm probably gonna tell them all tonight at dinner and offer Nonstop but save the Immortality offer for later.  

I just made it to UA and I'm heading to Nezu's office to tell him to call Shota and Zashi before school starts, and as always I dont knock and just walk right in and am shocked All Might is here but in his skinny version and he looks very nervous that someone has seen him.  I just smile sweetly and say good morning to Nezu and just to fuck with him say good morning to All Might.  "Good morning Nezu and All Might or do you prefer Toshinori Yagi in this form?"  All Might just got even paler and Nezu is doing his evil cackling with a tea cup WITH tea in it that came from nowhere I swear this rat has a fucking pocket dimension and no one knows I thought.  You see Nezu is very much used to me and my shenanigans to not even be surprised  by me knowing all this information.  "Um excuse me young man, how do you know who I am exactly?"  All Might practically whispered it but I still heard him and I was also now cackling like Nezu because All Might being scared of a 12 year old is funny as all hell.  After 5 minutes Shota and Zashi walked in. I'm guessing Nezu called them after I asked.  I went over and jumped on Zashi for a hug and then jumped on Shota and hugged him until he hugged me back because he is stubborn just like Hito, and I swear this mans taught my Hito to act like this.  After getting my hugs I just outright ignored All Might's question and told the other three about tonight's dinner and Shota the ever stubborn grump asked why he had too.  "Shota you have to come, we are celebrating and I need to tell you all something important."  I sassed at him. "What are we even celebrating, problem child and what is so important you couldn't just tell us now?"  He said with a bored face and I was just offended.  "Shota, we are celebrating my graduating from college and I can't tell you the important thing in public, it's private."  The three that knew me looked surprised and happy for me and you could just see All Might confused about life. It was honestly hilarious.  "Wow congrats problem child I'm proud of you and fine I will come to dinner you have probably already invited Hitoshi so I don't have to say anything."  At that I just gave him a hug and a nod. The hug was because he was proud of me and the nod was for the Hito statement. 


It was lunch time now so I headed to the cafeteria to get some food. All the 2nd and 3rd year students were pretty used to seeing me but the freshmen still were just confused. It was still their first week of school and I'm  guessing none of them asked about me.  My theory was proven when a freshman guy came up to me and started saying insults and being rude and asking who the hell I was.  I was just listening to him and I was just gonna walk away until he decided he could grab my shoulder and shove me to the ground, after getting up I picked him up using my telekinesis because at this point I was beyond pissed and dragged him all the way to Nezu office and I explained the situation and expelled him. You see Nezu gave me the power to expel anyone I see fit now, that doesn't mean I am just gonna go around and get rid of whoever I don't like but with a valid reason I can.  The kid was shocked to say the least and asked why a child was able to expel him, before Nezu could say anything I was talking already.  "This 'child' as you have said to me can expel you because one I am a sub teacher here when I'm needed and two you just insulted and assaulted a pro hero."  Yes I have my license already. I had a wonderful talk with the government on who I am and what I could do and they said they would rather have me on their side instead of against them. The teen just shut up after that and his parents were called and the situation was explained after I just went back to lunch now that that bully dick is out of my way.  A second year student who i have known and talked to on many occasions came up to me and asked what I did with the other teen to where I promptly told him I expelled him he laughed and said he would tell the first years to not mess with me and if they do there is a chance of them getting expelled.  I said thank you and the rest of the school day was normal, I just either hung out with Nezu doing paperwork or Shota grading papers or Zashi just talking while the students did some work.

I was now at home with mom and dad helping make dinner and set the table. The first people to arrive were Hitoshi, Shota, and Zashi, then came Nezu, then Mei. She is never early but she is also never late, so it's a good thing.  After talking and eating Shota finally asked what the important thing was that I needed to talk about so I explained everything except the offers for the quirks and everyone except my parents were shocked and silent. I was just hoping no one leaves or calls me a villain because this is my family and I love them.  The first one to break out of their shock was Hitoshi and he said "Wow that's a lot to take in but I know you and I trust you so I don't have a problem with it."  Mei said something similar and the rest just agreed and after they finished I started crying happy tears and they were worried why I was crying.  "No, there not sad tears. I was just worried someone would hate me and leave me and I would be sad about it because I consider you all as family and I didn't want to lose anyone."  Everyone just awed at me and we had a big group hug.  When everyone was leaving Mei and Hito stayed saying they will just spend the night so we said goodnight and headed to bed. We are all big cuddle bugs and like to show affection with touches like hugs or kisses on the cheek so we like to cuddle when they stay. I gave them each a kiss on the cheek and they gave me one then Hito got in the middle and Mei on the left and me on the right and we just cuddled up to him and soon fell asleep happy and warm.

HAI enjoy thanks for reading so far~ BAIIII  ^-^

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