Chapter 6

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Next Day
  Like normal I went downstairs and had breakfast with mom and dad, then headed outside where I met with Shinso to walk him to school.  Me and Shinso had just come to an agreement that I would walk him to school so he doesn't get bugged in the morning which surprisingly works, for some reason bullies don't mess with him when I'm around which is good don't get me wrong its just weird.  Dropping him off and saying goodbye I head over to my school for a roll call then leave, and head to UA since I can do that now YAY. 

  When I get there I head straight to the teacher's lounge and I am just getting weird looks from everyone on the way there which is understandable BUT no one stopped me do they know how unsafe that is for all they know I could be a villain and they just let me up and walk in, like I understand that it would be hard for anyone to get passed UA security but its still possible.  Anyway I made it to the break room and just opened the door, walked in and sat down on the couch there, all the teachers that did not know me were very confused and concerned that a child was in there.  Anyways I saw Yamada and Aizawa under his desk in a god awful bright yellow sleeping bag and said hi.  Yamada looked up and his eyes lit up when he saw me and came over and hugged me which i gladly accepted for one of my new gay dads, yes remember that conversation yesterday I did say he would have to fight my parents and they can say no but that doesn't mean I personally don't want more parents if i can have them.  "Hello papa zashi, how is your morning going?" After I said that he froze for a second while still holding me then he smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen and started shaking from excitement. Then ran over to Aizawa and kicked him to ask him if they could keep me, I was just trying not to laugh as he got up.  When he realized who Zashi was talking about we both just stared at each other for a minute then he spoke "No, Hizashi we are not keeping the problem child he has parents to return to" he said. Hizashi, being stubborn, just said "No I am keeping him, I don't care what you say".  Then I just started laughing as they were arguing, when I stopped laughing I said "Actually there is something I would like to talk to you both about." That piqued Aizawa's interest and told me to talk so I did. And yes we are just going to ignore everyone else in the room. "So I have this friend named Hitoshi Shinso that you saw me with the other day Aizawa" he just nodded as a way of saying he remembered and to continue "well he said something about his parents to me and it sounded off so me being me looked into it, and I need you both as heros to get him out of that foster home and take care of him or I can have nezu do it but the point is he is not in a safe environment. I have all the proof you need. I just need a home for him."  Aizawa was grumbling about more problem children to deal with and Hizashi just out right said yes and asked for the details and evidence so I provided it.  So, when I decided to look into it it was a good idea because his foster parents treat him like literal garbage, no physical abuse but mental and emotional definitely and only gave him the bare minimum of things to live off of.  

Once the bell rang everyone headed to their classes and Aizawa said he would go arrest them after school, and now I was lonely so I just headed to Nezu's office and just walked in he didn't seem to mind.  I just walked up to him and gave him a hug saying hi and asking how he was doing today he said he was doing good and just had a lot of paperwork  to do then asked how I was and I said great after that I just told him I was gonna hang in here and do some work he said that was perfectly fine and we both got to work.  Around lunch time I just walked to the lunchroom and met lunch rush before the bell rang for lunch to start and got some food and headed back to Nezu's office, we just talked/plotted while eating.  Like 20 mins later Aizawa  walked in and just slumped me over his shoulder and walked out saying that we were not allowed to talk to each other for more than 3 hours a day or everyone would be screwed, honestly I had to agree because we were plotting before he walked in.  He put me down when we got inside his classroom and the students were all confused as Aizawa decided not to introduce me and just start class, so I interrupted him. "Excuse me Shota but you just walk up into Nezu's office take me because you think it's dangerous to leave us alone then you bring me here and don't even introduce me I'm officially offended." He looked at me and had the audacity to sigh and say he doesn't get paid enough for this and just went back into his sleeping bag, laid on the floor, and said I was in charge now.  Sighing, I turned to the confused teenagers "Hi everyone as grumpy over has said I am now in charge for some reason so, hello my name Is Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you all".  A girl in the back then raised her hand and I pointed to her "Umm excuse me exactly how old are you and what makes you qualified to teach us?"  She stated with a little bit of an attitude and I was having none of it "What's your name?" Becky, she said. "Well Becky I'm 6 years old. And for your information I have already graduated out of highschool and have a teaching degree so please explain to me if I am still not qualified?" I said with heavy amounts of sass.  Everyone was shocked and she again spoke up and said that I had to be lying so I did the logical thing walked over to Shota kicked him because I knew he was awake and told him his students are rude and disrespectful and I am going back to Nezu's office and then called him a sack of potatoes and left.

Aizawa's P.o.v

I just got kicked again today and called a sack of potatoes so I was not the happiest person. Also the problem child is mad at me which makes me mad as well at my class.  I then got up after he left and told everyone to go get their gym uniforms on and go out to the field with a scary glint in my eye which terrified them, goal number one accomplished, goal number two make them run until they cant anymore and call it behavior training.  After everyone was outside I explained what they were gonna do "So since you all decided to be disrespectful to an authority figure because yes, everything he said was true and now he is mad at me which makes me mad at you.  So you are all going to run until you drop or I decide you learned how to respect others.  Go!"
They all seemed very scared and left immediately.

Izuku's P.o.v

After storming off I went directly to Nezu's office and again didn't knock and just started complaining about everything as he listened to me and gave some input.  Then Nezu pointed out that Shota was having his class run until they dropped which made me happy so I went to find him as I said bye to Nezu.  I found Shota outside as Nezu said and just climbed onto his back when he noticed me he didnt do anything so I don't think he minds and I started talking. "Are you punishing your class for disrespecting me Shota because if are I would like to say thank you and that I appreciate it." After saying that I saw he had a tiny smile that he tried to hide but I saw it and just hugged his neck.  We continued talking until I decided to leave UA for the day so I stopped by Hizashi's class and said bye then left.  

On my way home I heard someone calling for help and they sounded about my age so I went and found a pink haired girl in a dumpster stuck.  "Hello, why are you in a dumpster exactly and why do you need help?" "Oh hi my baby started acting up once some random liquid got on it and now I cant get out of it would you be so kind and help please." She said while gesturing to herself and I noticed she had an exoskeleton suit on so I just assumed that was her baby and helped her out with my telekinetic quirk.  She thanked me and I asked for her name Hatsume Mei. She said her name was and I told her mine and asked if she needed any more help. She asked if I could help her get her baby back home and that is how I ended up making a new friend on my way home. The rest of the day continued like normal after I left Mei at her house and agreed to come help her sometime to make some babies.

HAI hope you are enjoying so far.  Byeee!!

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