Fighting Blackwatch Hordes

Start from the beginning

"Damn..." He said as he changed his right arm to whipfist and flinged the blade to shoot across Havoc's left shoulder blade that vastly interrupted him from pushing the building. The leaning posture of the structure however caved in anyways. Alex pulled on his whipfist and like a zipline went straight to Havoc as the sergeant tried to remove that blade from his shoulder blade however the way it was hooked from the top and curved into his body, Havoc could not do anything as Alex came with his right hand changing to the blade and he spun to slash him in half perpendicularly from the top. His torso slowly split in two as Alex skidded to a halt and turned around in time to see Lucy come in and clobber him with vectors.

"Die-!!!!" Lucy said as the visible vectors shined and Alex took cover as again another explosion resounded in the battlefield.

This made the falling building next to them splinter into debris and knocked it down as Lucy's own explosion led her away like a boost jump to basically run in the same way Alex was doing, avoiding the falling rubble to head up high and make distance to scout what Havoc would do.

Lucy gave him a hand by passing a vector his way that the prototype used to walk over to jump over Lucy as she flew over the ground and turned around in time to see that a Jet passed by and let go of a heavy incendiary payload that could be seem a mile away and coming fast.

"Napalm!" Lucy shouted as Alex wasn't told a second time and slammed his hands to the ground.

"Lucy! Behind me and give me air cover!" He said and he looked forward to the fallen building to see Havoc had stood up even as the Napalm hit him and burned everything in a straight massive path.

"DEVASTATOR-!!!" Alex released a burst of air that then was followed by massive black spikes coming out of the ground to attack. The spikes swiveled while coming up to reach a good 15ft in the air but Lucy slowly noticed that they curled inward to form a messy spiked form of a dome around them as she used her vectors to cover the top that clearly had some gaps. She used two vectors on each of them to have a personal field of protection as the atmosphere became fiery in color and the sound of jets overpassed to then disturb everything into the sound of tumbling hell. The fires burned terribly as everyone in this area was burned to cinders.

Havoc took the full brunt of that attack as he began to dig underground to shelter himself from the flames as from head to toe he was extra crisp and radiant like burning coals. Alex and Lucy shouted at each other to hold on as more Jets zoomed by and the napalm launches became so much worse that none of the two could hear themselves as they got close to each other and hoped for the best. They grabbed hands together and kept their defenses up as Alex was at first taking the full attack until Lucy began to aid him by extending her powers to the best of her ability without taking down the personal shields for the two just in case something worse happened like a nuke came down on them.

Lucy held tight with her right onto his as Alex greatly worried about her as the prototype was being pushed harder than he had ever as he could guess that now everything outside was ashes. The concrete would be nothing more than coals and everything else that is not rock or steel would be residue in the air after this assault. He squeeze her hand as finally the echoing destruction seized and the red orange color of flames seized from the top as well sound became ambient with flames in the distance.

The devastator move fell apart and Alex gave hard breaths as Lucy undid hee vectors to look around to what had happened here. It had become a wasteland. No one could really guess that this was once a city. No buildings taller than two stories could be seen and even then those sizes were slowly dwindling as they were consumed by the leftover flames or collapsed by the damaged sustained.

The prototype roared as he then grabbed onto Lucy by the waist and jumped away as a giant white greyish tentacle with a red underside were the suckers of a real octopus limb are located, emanated from the ground to make a circular sweep that swiped the ground to unsettled ashes that arose into the air as black acrid smoke to cover the line of sight as the tentacle limb kept moving.

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWhere stories live. Discover now