Chapter 5

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A/N- if ur reading this  and havent slept, go to bed.


PREVIEW------"I don't know, I was too focused on you and she just disappeared," he said. I look around again, to confirm that she's nowhere to be seen. Finn finally gets up and offers a hand to pull me up. I take his hand and he hoists me up. I look around, and see the smoke again. It seems that the cloud has expanded in size, and dropped down shades in color. I look back at Finn to see that he is also looking at the smoke. I take a deep breath, put on my gloves, grab Finn's hand, start walking towards the smoke, and into the woods.---------

 Trudging through the woods, it's not as muddy as you would think it is. It still gives you the occasional scratch on the arm from branches though. Through all of the brush, I can see that the smoke is expanding. I tighten my grip on Finn's hand and start trudging faster. My mom's words keep circling through my head, don't be scared. Don't be scared.

As we march deeper into the forest, it seems to be getting warmer. You would think that since the day is ending, that it would get cooler, so I'm guessing that has something to do with the smoke. When we were about ⅓ of a mile away from the heart of the smoke I saw a stream-like river. Duly noted. 

 As we were approaching, the air got thicker and the temperature rose a bit, but just enough to notice. My grip unconsciously tightened on Finn's hand as the hair on the back of my neck stood up, my whole body alert. He squeezed his hand back at me and smiled. There was a little meadow a bit past the stream, maybe about 40 feet around. 

 The meadow was beautiful, covered in grass that goes up to your ankles and flowers. It would be pretty amazing if we didn't have another task at hand, on the edge of the clearing there was the main area of where the smoke was coming from. I started to walk closer, but was stopped when Finn wouldn't budge, while keeping a strong grip on my hand. As I looked up at him to see why he wouldn't let me go further, His eyes were glued to the edge of the clearing where the smoke was coming from.

"Luci, look," Finn said watchfully. I slowly turn around to see the trees lining the clearing being engulfed with fire. I looked around us, to see that mostly all of the trees were starting to be swallowed into the blaze. I slowly backed up, realizing what was happening.

I look up at Finn and say, "Finn, we need to run." I bolt back into the forest, with Finn at my side. As we are running, Finn tugs off his jacket and pulls it over my head as an attempt to shield me from the debris. I find the waterway we passed and grab Finn's hand once again to get his attention.

"Finn, we have to run along the water! It will be best for us to stay by!" I yelled over the sound of wood burning and trees falling. He nods and we start running. The heat is overwhelming and I know that if we get out of this alive, we are going to have quite a few burns. My eyes watered as the smoke withered at my insides. I look up at Finn, realizing that he must be inhaling much more smoke than me since he's taller up. 

 Finn stops and looks at one of the trees in front of us, and it's probably one of the largest trees I've ever seen. The flames lick around the bottom of the tree, devouring it completely. Finn looks at the tree swaying, and he takes his jacket and drapes it over his head, and huddles over me while grabbing my waist. Even though we're in a life or death situation, I blush and smile at how close we are. 

Before I knew it the enormous tree crashed down, and peices of the evergreen flew past my vision. A few branches hit Finn's back, he makes a quick huffing noise and I know that's gonna bruise. I feel kinda bad that I just used him as my shield. Finn recovers quickly and grabs my hand, and we start running again.

 So this is what my mom was talking about. How am I supposed to not worry about a whole forest from burning down! We slow down our running, from exhaustion, and look where to go. I yell out of frustration, and out of nowhere the water from the stream rises. Finn looks at me.

"Luci, scream again." I look at him dumbfounded and get nervous.

"I'm not just gonna scream out of command!" I yell. That must've been enough because the water rises higher, now floating in the air. I remember a bit of what my mom said, so I release Finn's hand and tear both of my gloves off. The river water falls back into the creek, dousing the trees near the water. I put them back on and yell again, and the water goes back up. I shriek in excitement and turn to Finn. 

He grins at me but looks like he's going to pass out. I mentally facepalm remembering that I have to get him to safety first and then I can try to put out the fire. I grab his hand once again, and start running along the river. This would have been way easier if I was bigger. As we are rushing over the broken branches and thick smoke, I spot a clearing far ahead of us. This isn't much news until I see people and helicopters. 

 It looks like there are first responders, so I quicken my pace and Finn seems to slow down. When we are about 10 feet away from the clearing, I look back at Finn. He looks really bad, and a cut slides across his cheek, most likely from branches. He's breathing heavily, probably trying to get clean air in his lungs. "Finn, cmon, we're almost there." I reassure, "You need to keep walking or-"

I'm cut off by the sound of groaning wood. We look up to see a decent sized tree tumble down over us. I put my hands out and catch the burnt wood, staggering slightly from the sudden pull of gravity. My knees buckle and the tree falls over my waist, pinning me to the ground. I try to push it away while Finn scrapes his hands at the tree, too weak to do too much movement. 

 As I look above me, I see a much bigger tree starting to give away its form. It starts slowly tipping towards me, as if playing with my demise. I look over at Finn, and realize if he doesn't move out of the way, this second tree is going to take the both of us.  


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