Chapter 2

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A/N: sorry this is a shorter chapter I'm tired

PREVIEW----"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" a voice behind us booms. I turn around to see the big man, in all his glory, Principal W. Seymour Skinner. Story of my life, we both got detention. I never really understood our school, because if you get detention you don't even go to class, just to the detention room. It doesn't even make sense.----

The only thing interesting about this over-sized janitor's closet they call the detention room is the people inside. Mainly the history teacher, supposedly supervising us, when he's really just sleeping like an elephant. I was a little drowsy, so I sat down on the floor. ( the room only has one chair) and rested my head on my knee. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt a piece of paper ricochet off my head. I look up so see the one kid that snatched the only chair here smirking at me, as if taunting that he has a comfy place to sit/sleep. I flipped him off, and layed back down.

I wake up suddenly, as if my body has reached its limit of sleep. I looked down to see how I slept so soundly on the floor and startled to see that I was sitting in the only chair in the room. I rack my memory to try to figure out how I got the chair, and more importantly how I got in it. I start to remember bits and pieces of what happened, and once it comes to me, I stuff my head in my knees, my face reddening. Finn kicked the one guy out of the only chair. Then picked ME up and carried me over to the chair, like I weighed nothing! Like the fuck, I know I'm small but I'm not a fucking toothpick! Wait. Holy fucking hell. I nuzzled the crook of his neck when he carried me. Kill me now. Why didn't he just make me get in the chair by myself! Or take the chair for himself! I decided to just ignore what I just remembered and check the time; detention ends in an hour. I get up to wake Finn when I see him stir.

I utter, "Finn get up, we're leaving." Finn looks up at me, sleepy eyes and all. He staggers up to his full height, brushes off his clothes, and suddenly looks at me.

"You know my name?" I'm already out the door, but not quick enough to see a face mixed with surprise, confusion, and something else. As i'm walking down the hallway, I hear platform boots thumping against the tile floor, and Finn pops up next to me, "I could walk you home If you want, as an apology." I stop short of hearing him.

"Apologize for what Finn," I said, "you didn't do anything wrong."

 "Well, if I didn't show up, I wouldst of held you back, and you would have not been given detention," he whispered.

"You idiot, If you didn't help me I would be in the infirmary," I whispered slightly louder. He looked at me, but didn't seem convinced. "I'm grateful you helped me Finn, so stop blaming yourself," I said with a smile. He weakly smiled back at me and then looked like he realized something that changed his negative mood instantly.

"Speaking of the infirmary, come with me," he urged while looking at my bruised face and bleeding cuts here and there. When I didn't move he sighed, grabbed my hand, and started pulling me down the hallway.

 I reluctantly followed him because I didn't have anything else to do, and i was not going to go to class for the last 30 minutes. He escorted me through a series of hallways that I had yet to memorize until we stopped in front of a door labeled infirmary. He cracks open the door and peeks his head in, and then he opens the door and drags me in. He lets go of my hand to shuffle through some cabinets and I can't help but frown at the frigid feeling taking over my hand.

 After a few minutes he pops his head up with a towel, some hydrogen peroxide, an ice pack, and a few bandaids. He puts them all in the crook of his arm and continues to lug me to an empty classroom by my hand. He closes the door and continues to sit on a table and start to wet a corner of the cloth with the peroxide. As I'm just standing there with my arms folded I say, "Not to be goody-goody, but are you sure you should of just taken that?"

Continuing to focus on what he was doing he nonchalantly says, "I'll return it.... Probably.  Now get over here Luci." I redden at the nickname and walked over to the table. He looks up at me, smiles, and pats the table. I sat down cross legged, but not close enough so he could reach me with the rag. 

He groaned in annoyance,as well as grabbing my ankles to pull me over so I was practically sitting on him. I made a squeak noise in surprise and he widened his eyes as if realizing what happened. "I'm sorry, is this ok with you.. I'm really sorry, Luci." He stuttered, panic lacing his voice. , "It's fine Finn, don't worry, I was just startled," I responded with. I gave him a reassuring smile and he gave a breath of relief. Then he grabbed the cloth and moved my hair out of my face. I blushed, which seems to be happening a lot recently, thanks to this guy.

 He starts cleaning the cuts on my face with the rag and I hiss from the burning feeling. He continues to dress my cuts and downs the swelling with the ice pack, every once in a while having to move my hair out of my face again as I kept falling in my face, to which made Finn touch my forehead once. Of course i fucking blushed, even though its just a damn forehead. (A/N the hair was a paid actor lol)

I took this time to study his face. He has those beautiful fucking eyelashes that girls get shit done to look exactly like. he has freckles dusting his nose and cheeks that you wouldn't really notice if you weren't really close. He's also one of those people that sticks his tongue out a bit when he's focusing, and I think that it's the cutest thing I've ever seen, and will ever see.

Teddy Bear (Boyxnb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora