02 Healing Therapy

Start from the beginning

Changbin's was a whole different situation. While all of them kept calm, he was pacing around the shop. His guts kept telling him to run out of there but if the person outside saw them exit as a whole masked group in the middle of the night? Doesn't sound so nice right? Opposite Changbin, Jisung was the most excited one out of them. He felt like he had just entered a world full of adventures from the moment he snuck out of their dorm, to this strange therapy shop in the middle of the night. At this point of boredom, he thought anything could make him entertained.

Hyunjin was also actually liking all of this. He hasn't hung out with his members for a long time and now after months he also met a STAY, though he first thought she was a ghost. The thought of spending time with his members and maybe the STAY too brightened up his mind. Seungmin was the calmest, unlike the goofy appearance he was wise and chose to stay silent and patient, hoping whatever has to come won't be chaotic as always.

You on the other hand were the one who was freaking out more than Changbin. You were kicked on the road by your ultimate group, you were dragged inside a therapy shop and a blondie wants you to take therapy to heal a bruised shoulder. Honestly speaking, you were shocked to see your shoulder was indeed bruised and turning a shade of purple and green. The person might have a strong leg. Dabbing a bit more water, you exited the bathroom, clenching the piece of paper still in hand.

All the boys turned to you making you force out a made-up awkward laugh, not really like all the attention "You okay?" Jeongin asks, though he's shy, he couldn't help but ask. You were a STAY who was kicked by his Hyung after all. "I'm okay thanks" He gave a small smile back as you looked around the shop for the first time. It was larger than the outside presented, despite its look like a vintage store, you were certain there was something wrong with this particular shop.

Your eyes soon landed on Bang Chan, who was huddled up beside the front door. Walking over you placed your finger on his back and poked him. With a small gasp he turned around, though he looked cute, you put on a static face. "H-hey, are you okay? How's your shoulder? He didn't kick you hard eh?" You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his worried tone. "I'm okay BangChan... ssi? Uhm it's the correct honorific right? I've watched a lot of dramas but-" BangChan's face burst into a grin, standing straighter as he replied. "It is, but it sounds too formal coming from a STAY"

You just waved at him and laughed. "What kind of therapy are there?" Jeongin asks the blonde guy, who was now sitting on a bench and sipping a cup of tea. You had to admit he looked like a sassy stepmom. BangChan and you found yourself trying to hear the conversation between the maknae and the blondie. "There are all kinds of therapies. Whatever your concern is, we're always there to heal it. Our doors are always open" BangChan quirks an eyebrow at that. He remembered back to when he had opened the door and it wasn't locked.

"Is there anything for boredom?" BangChan lowly chuckles at the maknae's question, finding it rather cute. A boredom therapy? Ridiculous- "of course there is" Your mouth formed an 'o' as you heard it. Both you and Chan were no longer eavesdropping but were rather openly exposed. "It's a new kind of therapy" Jeongin gives Bang Chan a side glance before his attention was back to the reception guy. "And what does the therapy do?" The guy chuckles before taking out a pen, unexpectedly made by feathers as you gained a harry potter vibe from it.

The rest of the six were also beside jeongin now, listening to the receptionist. "It's a therapy which keeps you going, as a game with many stages" The guy raises the pen to Jeongin's eye level, and Jeongin turns towards his leader "Hyung, let's try it out?" Bang Chan stares at the maknae in shock, not expecting the question at all. "You wanna do therapy in the middle of the night?" Asks Seungmin.

"Well nothing went the way we wanted, soon we'll have to go back to JYP. So let's just do it. Moreover, It sounds kinda fun" at the end Jeongin had pulled the 'smile' card and the Hyungs immediately agreed.

All of them started to write down their name and the therapy whilst you thought of all the scenarios. If you go out now, there's a possibility of you getting kidnapped again or worse another cat. If you take the therapy too, you'll get to spend time with your favorites. Felix was the last one to give the blonde his piece of parchment while everyone's eyes were expectantly on you. With a heavy sigh, you grabbed the pen from Felix's hand and wrote down your name as 'STAY'. You weren't ready to share your real name with a possible fake therapy shop now. Jisung let out a small squeal at that.

"Thank you for taking the therapy! My name is Jimin, and I'm your therapist for the day! Please follow me" 'Jimin' says before walking towards a white double door and the guys reluctantly follow. Mumbling a whatever, you followed after them. On the other side of the door, a long hallway was present. It looked really elegant, despite the shady appearance the place held. Jimin walked in front as the rest of you followed him in pairs. Minho was the one who was beside you, still feeling guilty and embarrassed, whilst you stared at each door you passed. You swore you heard something breaking inside one and a shutter going off in another.

At the end of the corridor, a door painted in gold was present. "You're not gonna say that it's real gold now right?" Changbin says with a small laugh as he stared at the door. Jimin only smiled and proceeded to open the door, motioning to the inside. The interior was fancier than you thought; decorated with candles, dreamcatchers, aroma sticks, velvet carpet, and cushions. "Please all be seated," The guy says as all if you started to sit down on the carpet, which was soft. "The therapy will begin shortly"

With that, he left and an awkward silence engulfed the room. Excluding Jeongin and Jisung, none of you could believe you were doing therapy at midnight. Suddenly the lights around the room were switched off and the only source of light was the candles. Without a warning, the whole place started to shake. Panicking Bang Chan stood up followed by the rest "What's happening?!"

Jimin was more scared than the people inside as he tried to open the now locked door. Truth to be told, it was his first therapy. He only turned into a therapist three days ago and now he had messed up. Jimin had promised his master to do well and now he fucked up. He paced back to his counter and flipped through the pages of the enormous book. Suddenly the front door opened and no one other than his master came inside.

"Jimin? What did You mess up?" The blondie immediately looked down, guilt washing over his body like a tsunami.

"The healing Therapy"

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