Chapter 1- A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Not really. But I know that I am going to head back home, shower, eat, do work, watch videos and then sleep." Ella literally just rapped through that sentence in a single breath.

"Woah, that sounds like an elaborated plan to me," I said as I pondered over. This causes the both of us to laugh about it.

"Erm Ariella?" Ella said, looking and sounding serious of all a sudden, causing me to stop walking and look right back at her.


"Are you coping well from... you know, the break-up?" Ella trailed, looking apprehensive on whether she had made the right move in asking that question.

"Well... I would not really say that I am coping well. But I am at least confident to say that I am trying to cope well by taking one step at a time." I said after giving her question some thoughts about it.

"That's really good to hear about that, Ariella. I am always here for you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I do. Thanks Ella, and yes, I am always here for you too." I gave Ella a warm smile which she reciprocated back to me too.

To be completely honest, if it was not for Ella, I doubt I could last up till now in this school all by myself.

Apart from some of my other close friends since senior high and my parents who knew of this incident, Ella was the only one in the school who knew about it too.

Now, I am sure some of you guys may be wondering the backstory of the whole incident. 

I will be going to that now.

The story goes like this, it was another brand new day and I was rather nervous to step into the new school that I got posted to after the whole post-major examination administration exercise that took place a few months back.

I can do this. I gave myself a mental encouragement as I fumbled with my fingers, before taking a deep breath as I stepped into the designated room for some freshmen orientation at that time.

I really hate it whenever I had to adjust to a completely new environment since socializing with people was never my forte. 

Long story short, the freshmen orientation went quite alright over the next few days, as I was able to make friends with some of my classmates, including Ella and  some from other classes  too. I remembered that I had put in great efforts in getting myself to make friends during the freshmen orientation.

I also remembered clearly that, at that point in time, I felt as though that I would not be able to last through the 3 years in this school, since I was the only one who got separated from all of my senior high friends as I got posted into a course that I never thought that I would have ever taken in my entire life. 

Sounds like a not-that-great way to start off in a new school. Really sucks. 

True enough, just as I had expected things to turn out, I really disliked the course and that I began to feel a little left out  a few days after the freshmen orientation. 

But little did I expect that Ella noticed it and soon she began to talk to me, hearing me out. Hours turned to days and then to months, both Ella and I began to become friends. And no words could ever describe how thankful I was towards Ella for that simple gesture of kindness and compassion towards me, at that point in time, where I was literally a nobody in school.

After some time of adjusting to the new environment, I soon found myself being able to follow up with the momentum.

Which was really great and it seemed as though everything was going to be smooth-sailing for me.

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