But technically, he wasn't in his body, they were both inside of London's head and he needed to figure a way out.

Milo could feel his breath getting caught in his lungs, it was harder and harder to keep track of everything going through his head. He had no clue whatsoever on how to save them both this time. For all he knew, all of this could be a simulation made by the witches to drive both of them crazy.

The man in his arms could be just an illusion, maybe the witches are playing with him? But why would they try to toy with him like that?

Crazy theory after crazy theory went through his head, he crumbles to the ground, struggling to breathe and pulling the grass under him. His heartbeat was going faster than ever, for the first time ever, he had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, he needed answers as a strong headache was hitting him. But most importantly, he wanted London to wake up, and that's the only thing he wanted more than anything else.

Maybe young London was right, maybe Milo would figure it out eventually.


"Where is he?" A loud voice resonated through the completely white corridors of the laboratories, after hours and hours of struggling and getting beated up, London successfully managed to fight the doctors that were tying him to the bed and made a run for it.

After waking up in nothing but white pants inside of some freaky white room, he did everything to break free and once he succeeded, he made sure to take a nurse as a hostage, holding a scalpel to his artery.

"You think they will just give him up that easily?" The sadistic nurse chuckled at that thought, looking straight ahead at the empty, completely white corridors. "They're finally extracting your magic from him, go ahead, kill me. They have many others to replace me." The man in question didn't seem fazed by death.

And so, London delivered it to him, slaughtering the man and throwing him to the ground. "If you insist." He snarled, kneeling to continue stabbing the nurse like a maniac, getting blood all over his naked chest and pants.

Pure rage was flowing through London's veins, since the moment he opened his eyes to find out that Milo was nowhere to be seen. He didn't know what they wanted from him at first, but eventually it all clicked.

They wanted his magic, which is the reason why the attacked him in the motel room at the first place, but they knew it wasn't where it should be; making Milo their second best target.

After ending the nurse's life, London got up on shaky legs, his muscles were still sore from being sedated and he had no notion of how much time went by. He only feared that Milo tapped into his magic, that'd definitely accelerate his body's failure.

Just when he was about to try pushing some doors open, an alarm went off, the once white plain walls and space got overtaken by red lights and a high siren.

The dark fairy didn't care.

He started kicking the doors, one after one but the corridor was endless and he could hear soldiers running his way with their heavy boots and detremined march.

"Fuckers..." He groans and just as they make a turn to get him, the door he is pushing bursts open.

"My, my, my... Look who we've got here..." London remembered the witch who Milo burned at the hotel room, the sight of her face did nothing but fuel his rage.

Her eyes were sewed shut but somehow, he felt like she could see him, yet that didn't stop him from grabbing her by the collar and pulling her face to face with him.

Vicious Bonds {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now