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"I'm sorry did you just say Daisy" said Carter who was shocked to here his daughters name being called.

"Yup, I did"

Everyone turned to look at Daisy who was completely shocked at this announcement.

Daisy looked over at Ethan who just got up from the table and left the room followed by Maggie.

Daisy then looked over at Spencer "but I didn't even sign up, how is that fair?"

"Daisy... you brang Robert Downy Jr. back to the agency, why wouldn't you want to become a manager" Spencer got up "congratulations Daisy" he said "we'll talk tomorrow on where your office will be" he then left the room.

Cameron looked around the table then got up "I'll go check up on Ethan" he said leaving the room

Shortly after Cameron left, Debby and Heather also left the room leaving Daisy and her father alone.

"Well... congratulations" he said turning towards her.

Daisy sighed putting her head in her hands.

"It's alright Daisy" her father said as he gently tapped her shoulder "Ethan will get over it, this is all apart of business" he said before getting up from his chair and leaving the room.

After a couple minutes to herself Daisy finally got out of the meeting room and headed towards the office that she shared with Maggie and Ethan.

As soon as she walked in Ethan avoided all eye contact with her. "Ethan" Daisy said softly "I seriously had no idea this was going to happen"

Ethan scoffed "mhmm, yeah sure you didn't"

"I seriously didn't, I was helping you the entire week, I didn't even get interviewed you know that"

"Exactly" Ethan said finally looking Daisy in the eyes "you didn't get interviewed, you didn't even try but do you know why you got the manager spot?"

Daisy shrugged "I don't know, why?"

"Because your Carter Stevens daughter"

"What?" Daisy shook her head confused "that has nothing to do with it"

"Oh please, just like how Kyra is an actress who by the way used her fathers fame to make her way up, you're doing the same thing"

Daisy was a bit shocked at what she was hearing "I hope you know Spencer doesn't like Mr. Stevens, so why would be hire, me his daughter as a new manager"

"It's not about not liking" Ethan said crossing his arms "Carter is the most well respected managers in the business, but hey keep the family business going I guess"

"Ethan, you're not being fair- I"

"Daisy!" Cameron interrupted her "give him some time"

Daisy nodded before grabbing her things and heading out the building, making her way home.

Daisy walked into her home, immediately slumping on the couch next to Natalie.

"What's up with you?" asked her roommate.

"I got the manager spot.."

"What! That's amazing" she said clapping her hands excited "but wait, I thought you didn't sign up"

"I didn't, Spencer just picked me because I got Robert back"

"Yes! I'm so happy for you... now you and Charlie"

Daisy shook her head "I'm not accepting it"

"What, why not?!"

"Because Ethan worked hard for it, it's not fair"

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