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Normally when Daisy gets less than 5 hours of sleep, she gets cracky and would be exhausted for the entire day, however considering she only slept for a little bit she was completely energized.

Not only did Charlie consider Daisy a friend, but they also fell asleep together and one of the best sleeps Daisy has had in her life.

She was now three hours into work and wondered if Charlie would still be at her house.

It's weird to think that she let a celebrity stay at her place while she went to work but she trusted him, and Natalie was there.

Oh Natalie, Daisy completely forgot about her. She wonders what her reaction would be if she saw him sleeping on the couch. She would probably think it's a dream and she's hallucinating.

Daisy was pulled back in the reality when she found her self smiling like an idiot to herself. The only other person in the room is Maggie but she's to busy organizing some files to even care.

Charlie walked through the office door a couple seconds later and turned to look at Daisy "hey"

"Hi" she gave him a bright smile.

Charlie walked up closer to Daisy and sat on her next next to her "there's that smile" he said "thought it disappeared for a while"

she giggled "I always smile, what are you talking about"

"Good, never stop showing that gorgeous smile of yours" he said and Daisy found herself blushing.

Charlie got up "I came to tell Heather but we still have plans for lunch, right?"

"Yes we do" she nodded

"Great" he said with a smile then walked out the office doors as Daisy started organizing the files on her desk

"Wow" Maggie said from the other room.

"What?" She said

"You know your not his type right?" Maggie said

"Excuse me"

"Plus he's dating Kyra, can't believe he would lead you on like that"

Daisy nodded "it's just a friendly thing, trust me"

"Yeah" Maggie said "celebrities that come here hug and make lunch plans with me all the time"

"Do you have a problem with me?"

"No" she said "but I'm warning you, involving your self with him could be dangerous and get you fired"

Daisy sighed then walked out of the office having enough of Maggie's attitude. No wonder her dad hired her as an assistant.

Daisy walked passed the meeting room to find Charlie, Kyra, and Heather all sitting around a table. Charlie's probably telling them right now.

A couple minutes later Daisy walked into the room to hand Heather a folder from her office.

"I can't believe your doing this to me Charlie" Kyra said in a sad tone.

"Look, if you really read the script you would see it's not perfect for you"

"But you said it was yesterday"

"Yes but I talked it over with-" Charlie turned to look at Daisy and she immediately shook her head telling him not to tell and thankfully he got the message "a friend"

Kyra was quick to notice Charlie glance because she immediately screeched "you asked the assistant for help? Why did you ask me!! Your girlfriend remember!"

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