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After finishing up in the office, Daisy let down her hair from the tight pony tail that it was in all day and ran her hand through it to fix it and went to her car to start heading towards Charlie's house.

Upon arriving she got out of the car and went over to the door knocking on it.

Shortly after Charlie opened the door with the most precious smile on his face "you've made it"

She smiled back at him "of course, i said I was going to come didn't I"

He smiled and made way so that she could enter "please come in"

Daisy walked in and looked around "I see you changed some things up, since last time I've been here"

He shrugged "just added some things here and there" he smiled and sat on the couch looking over at her.

She looked over at him and smiled sitting next to him on the couch "how'd you think of the script?"

"I haven't looked into yet"

She nodded "oh" she said "well that's why we're meeting tomorrow, for me to help you guys"

"Right" he smiled turning his body and facing her "how are things"

She shrugged raised an eyebrow "good, I guess"

"I haven't seen you in two weeks and the only thing your giving me is good?"

She shrugged again "well ive just been busy with work and I've been also reading some theories for the next season and it just makes me anxious because I really gotta know"

He laughed "I mean, I wish I could tell you but don't you think it'd be better if you waited?"

"I already waited.... maybe not as much as other fans but you know"

He shook his head

Daisy looked at him "I'm sure Owen tells Jenna, and she's on set everyday"

"That's different"


"Jenna's his girlfriend"

Daisy stared at Charlie and nodded slowly "yeah right"

An awkward silence came between them

"So" he said moments later "any trouble with this mystery person"

She looked at him "honestly think I need to spend a week with this person to really get them, there's something not adding up to me"

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that he is" Daisy stopped herself in telling him about her dad and shook her head "I can't say"

"So it's he"

Daisy nodded

"Look, I trust you and I want you to know that you can trust me too.... I won't tell anyone about this secret with this person"

"I wish I could share it" she sighed "but saying it out loud is honestly weird and makes it seem real, when I don't want it to be" she shook her head "If I decide to tell someone, I'll let you know"

He nodded "okay good, I wanna know everything that goes on in here" he said tapping her head lightly grinning

Daisy laughed and looked at the coffee table in-front of them not noticing that there was a bunch of popcorn and chocolates and raised an eyebrow looking back at him "what's this?"

He looked at the table and back at her "I thought we would have a relaxing night indoors since we can't really go out together"

Daisy nodded "sounds great" she sat criss cross on the couch "what did you have planned"

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