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Daisy woke up Monday morning excited for the day that awaits her, today she has a job interview for one of the largest management companies in the world.

Ever since she was a little girl it has always become a dream of hers, most girls dream of becoming models or even celebrities themselves but not Daisy.

Daisy's father Carter was celebrity manager and she has always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps.

Although her father was never a part of her life and got re married when she was five, and she had to live with her mother, she still looked up to him.

Daisy got ready and ate breakfast and the time was now 9am, and her interview started at 10 so if she wanted to make it on time she would have to leave now.

She made sure to send a quick message to her roommate Natalie telling her she went to the interview before she got into her car and made her way to the office building.

Upon arriving at the building and parking her car in the parking lot she looked up at the large building "Wow" she thought to herself, "this building is way to fancy for me".

She walked into the front entrance and made her way to the front desk and eventually to the floor where her interview was going to take place.

The elevator doors opened and she stepped in it pressing number 22 which is where her interview is being held.

"Hold the elevator" she heard some guy call out.

She quickly put her arm between the two sliding doors as the guy walked through them.

"Thanks" he said looking down at Daisy.

Daisy looked up at the guy and her eyes widened in surprise "oh my god... you're"

The guy chuckled

"Yes I am him" The guy turned out to be Daisys celebrity crush Chris Evans!

"I'm sorry, I did not expect to meet a celebrity so soon"

"First day on the job?" He asked

She shrugged  "I have a interview for a assistant job today"

He nodded "well, I wish you the best of luck...." Chris looked at her "sorry, I don't think I got your name"

"Daisy" She blurted and then blushed a little at how fast she said it

"Nice to meet you Daisy" he smiled and held out his hand for her to shake.

She tried to keep her cool, but inside she was freaking out and shook his hand "wait until Natalie hears about this" She thought  to herself.

Before they knew it they were on the 22nd floor and she walked out of the elevator with Chris following behind "you're going here too?" She asked him.

"Yes, I have to pick up a script for a upcoming movie"

She nodded  "so you come here often?"

Chris laughed "yes, most celebrities tend to come here themselves or send someone to get their stuff"

Daisy smiled  "now I really hope I get this job" she thought to herself

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