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"Why on earth would you agree to this!" shouted Natalie

"I didn't have a choice" Daisy said

"and you really are going to do this?"

"Yes!" Daisy said "and guess who's coming with me!"

"Who?" Natalie raised an eyebrow while Daisy just wiggled her brows "oh no no no way am I going"

"Please" Daisy put her hands together "I don't wanna be at that restaurant all alone"

"Well you signed up for it"

"But you get to meet Charlie!"

Natalie sighed "ughh fine" she said "but he'll be to busy on his date to notice us"

"Fake!" Daisy said "Fake date"

"Mhmm sounds like someone is jealous it isn't them"

"What?" Daisy chuckled "no what Charlie and I have is strictly professional nothing more, just like what Debby said"

"Then why did I catch you watching an hour compilation of Charlie edits on YouTube earlier today"

"I was" Daisy looked around the living room to see if she can find anything to help her lie "I was researching on fashion, you know what his style is and what not"

Natalie nodded "mhmm sure" she looked at Daisy "when is this thing?"


"Tonight!?" Natalie shouted "you're kidding"

Daisy shook her head "they wanna get it over with"

"You know they still have to continue to pretend date if they want people to believe?"

"Yes!" Daisy said "but they don't have to be everywhere together in order to be a couple"

"Okay, let's get going then to see your boyfriend on a date with some other girl who by the way you're acting really calm after finding out she's your I don't know step sister?!"

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend!" Daisy sighed "and no she's not my sister, no way as far as I'm concerned my dad is not the same man who works at the agency"

Natalie shrugged "awkward Charlie is going to have to choose between two sisters"

"Natalie.... really?!" Daisy said as she stared at her.

"Come on, let's go be paparazzi!!" She said heading for the door.

Once Daisy and Natalie parked in the parking lot they got out of the car, and found Charlie waiting by the front doors.

Daisy walked up to him "hey there"

Charlie looked at Daisy and smiled "hello"

Daisy turned over her shoulder to find Natalie staring in shock "this is my roommate, and best friend Natalie" she said giving the attention to Natalie

"Uh hi" Natalie smiled at him

Charlie turned to look at Natalie "it's nice to meet you"

"Likewise" Nat said

"Ready for your date?" asked Daisy

Charlie chuckled "I'm so thrilled" he said "can't you see I'm so excited"

Daisy laughed

"How long do you have to keep up this charade up?" Natalie asked

Charlie shrugged "I believe 3 months after the ad is wrapped"

Daisy nodded "that's not too bad"

"You're kidding right" Charlie said "I can't even look at her" he looked at Daisy then put his hands on her shoulders "so please try to take as much photos as you can quickly so I could get out of there"

Daisy nodded "I will, don't worry"

Charlie nodded "you guys should get in there now, the diva will be here soon"

Daisy nodded "good luck" and with that her and Natalie walked into the restaurant and sat at a table.

Shortly after Charlie and Kyra walked in and were seated a couple tables down from where they were sitting.

Daisy made sure to get pictures of them walking in as well even though they didn't seem lovey dovey at all.

When they were seated Kyra immediately pulled out her phone while Charlie looked at the restaurants ceiling.

"How is anybody supposed to believe that they are in love" Natalie said while looking over at them.

Daisy shrugged "they don't like each other or this idea"

"Aren't they actors, can't they act like their in love"

"I don't know"

Minutes passed, still nothing. The pair hadn't said a single word to one another and Daisy needed the pictures and they couldn't leave until they at least had some.

Finally, when their food came Kyra put away her phone and was actually talking to Charlie at first it seemed like they were arguing but next thing Daisy knew they were laughing.

Daisy tried to take as much pictures as she could of this rare moment, but the laughing never stopped since she was sitting quite a bit far from them she couldn't exactly hear what was being said.

Daisy got enough photos for the evening of them laughing, Charlie reaching over and fixing Kyra's hair and Kyra feeding Charlie her food.

Daisy didn't know what was going on, were they acting? Did they want to get this thing over with? she didn't know why but she did feel a little jealous.

"Come on" she looked at Natalie "let's go"

"What?" Natalie said

"I got the photos"

Natalie nodded "alright" she said and got up, walking to the exit with Daisy following her and she turned to look at her "aren't you going to tell Charlie"

Daisy shook her head "no, he looks like he's having fun"

"He could be pretending"

Daisy shrugged "if he notices we're gone, he'll leave too" and walked out of the restaurant.

Daisy got into her car and sat in the drivers seat as Natalie sat in the passengers seat buckling up.

A few minutes have passed and Natalie turned to Daisy "why aren't you starting the car?"

Daisy sighed as she looked at the entrance of the restaurant "he didn't leave, which means he didn't notice us leaving, which also means Debby was right"

Natalie looked at her "maybe he's getting ready to leave?"

Daisy shook her head "it's alright" she said with a sigh "it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything" and started the car pulling out of the parking lot and going home.

AN// Were Kyra and Charlie pretending? Or did they actually enjoy each others company? What do you guys think?

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