Chapter 14-15 March

Start from the beginning

Barry: 15th

Henry: Natali? — Henry spoke already knowing what was going to happen

Natali: you knew! — Nat looked at all of us — you know what happens that day and they didn't tell me!

Rosa: Nat we wanted to protect you, we know how hard it is for you

Natali: because you know! they should have told me!

Mia: we thought you were fine!

Natali: head is hurting I've been angry since morning, I'm almost losing control, all that and you knew!

Thommy: Nat, calm down!

Natali: Calm down Aunt Cinty knows she has kids with Uncle Cisco in the future, Aunt Sam now knows Ruby is her daughter now... and Uncle Mon El is the next to know that the Twins are her daughters along with Aunt Kara-Natali spoke nervously leaving Uncle Mon El and Aunt Sam surprised and confused

Barry: Natali? — got her attention

Natali: I need to get out of here. — then he left using his speed disappearing from sight

Caitlin: where did she go? — aunt Cait asked worriedly

Henry: she's fine mom we need to leave her alone now.

Barry: she's not fine you saw how she got out of here! — he said and the young people between looked at — what they're hiding from us...Lindsay? — asked more Lindy just lowered her head

Oliver: why was she like that when she found out what day it is? — again the young people were quiet, because they didn't know where to start

Felicity: they are hiding something from us, and you better start talking soon...— Aunt Felicity spoke and all the adults looked at us waiting for the answer, we looked to know who would tell

Alura: okay... today in the case, March 15th was the day you were killed. — Alura spoke, leaving the adults surprised, but they realized why Natali acted like that

Astra: This day is very difficult for us, but for Nat it's worse.

Sara: why?

Mia: It's better not to ask any questions, it just matters that Natali is safe, after this day is over she'll come back.

Sara: back from where?

Mia: Aunt Sara I adore you, but no more questions, we can't tell.

Barry: what they can't tell?

Lindsay: Sorry Dad, but you better not know.

Caitlin: not know what? — Aunt Caitlin asked slightly annoyed and worried, but as no one answered she returned to the question — what do you not want us to know, where did Natali go?— no one dared to speak- if they don't speak I'll find her anyway! — aunt Cait spoke determined

William: we'll have to talk...— Will was the first to speak

Jay: Natali made us swear we weren't going to tell anyone.

Thommy: we don't have much choice, we know very well that they won't give up!

Thalita: Thommy is right even if we don't tell them they will look for her, and we know they will.

Lindsay: we really know how they are — Lindy said and everyone agreed

Kara: So get started.

Mia: baby, it's you — Mia told Henry who looked at her — what? she is his twin sister!

Henry: okay...well she's in another earth — Henry said making all the adults look asking for more explanation — well, everyone already knows that whoever arrived first at the place and saw you dead was Natali, since then this day is the worst for her and for Clary, the memories come with everything, the anger of losing you, the pain and the longing, Natali somehow blames herself for everything that happened. I believe she blames herself for your death, she never forgives herself for not saving you, the year after your death on March 15th, Nat disappeared we thought she had been kidnapped, but the next morning she showed up without a scratch and didn't tell us where she went, it happened again until we decided to follow her. That's when we found out that she was going to another earth to be exact.

Barry: Why would she go to another earth?

Lindsay: so she don't hurt anyone — Lindy said making adults worried

Alex: Why would she hurt anyone?

Henry: because on that day she ceases to be her, every March 15th, Natali can't stand all the feelings inside her and ends up losing control, neither she nor Clary controls, so they go to another Earth, because they're afraid of hurt someone

Oliver: If it's not her or Clary who is in control, then who is?

Mia: their evil version...their anger, sadness and fear would be another Killer Clary

Cisco: What do you mean, like a half version of Killer Frosty? no offense — my dad said looking at Aunt Cait

Thommy: Exactly and that's why she goes to another earth, she's afraid of hurting one of us, we thought that if she didn't know what day it is she could go normal, clearly we were wrong

Caitlin: So let's go after her!

Bart: Mom we can't, she's not our Natali she'll end up fighting with us.

Caitlin: And how do you know that?

Lindsay: because when we went after her to find out what was going on, she attacked us, it would be worse but Nat barely managed to take control and asked us to leave, we ended up going the other day she explained to us that that day neither she nor Clary could stay in control'.

Caitlin: I don't want to know, I will not leave your sister alone today, I'll bring them back to us. — Caitlin said determinedly looking at everyone, so you can see a smirk from Barry to her.

Barry: She's right, like you said we are a family, and nobody is alone. let's go after them — Barry said and everyone agreed

Oliver: So which earth will we go? 

Ruby: The Empty Earth... Earth 8.

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