"What's wrong?" She asks

"Taylor you just aren't getting me and I'm struggling right now" I say

"Do you want to talk outside?" She asks

"No I just don't need to be partnered with him, we aren't good right now and forcing us to have to sit together everyday will only make me want to ignore him more" I say

"Well this is why you should talk to me and not Daniel" She says

"Oh my god" I laughed "Why are you so jealous of him?"

"Im not jealous" She laughed

"Shouldn't you be teaching?" I asked

She shakes her head "Conversation is not over and no you can't swap seats"

"Bitch" I sigh

"It's not her fault that she doesn't know whats going on" Ethan says

"No it's your fucking fault" Tom replies

"Let's just leave it" I sigh

"Its annoying you've already had a shit morning and now you have to sit at a table for an hour where you aren't going to talk" Tom says

"It doesn't matter Tom I probably need the hour to chill the fuck out, I'll be fine" I say and continuing to draw on my desk

"Ok if you say so" He says before walking back to his desk

I put my headphones in and carried on working on my desk, I tried to ignore Ethan but he keeps looking over and I feel like I'm not going to be able to ignore him the whole year. Taylor started to talk so I pulled out one headphone and listened to what she was saying.

"Are you ok?" Ethan whispered

"Yeah" I whispered back

"Tom said you had a shit day, did something happen?" He asked

"I want to ask one you simple question and I only want a yes or no answer" I reply

"Ok?" He says

"Do you know who my parents are?" I ask

He didn't answer

"So you knew?" I ask

"Cameron told us, we've known for ages but we didn't find out until recently that you didn't know" He says

"They haven't told me, I saw my birth certificate" I say

"They don't know that you know" He says

"No and you can't tell anyone either" I reply

"I wouldn't" He says

"I can't believe you guys knew this whole time" I say while shaking my head "It makes it hard for me to want to get along with Taylor"

"What about Daniel" He asks

"He was always there for me, he was literally like my older brother and they stuck me with her parents who treated me so horrible, it makes it hard to talk to her" I say

"I didn't realise it was that bad for you there" He says

"Hell on earth" I reply

"Ash said that you were having dinner with Sams parents last night" He says

"Your friends have big mouths" I sigh

"Tell me if I'm overstepping I was just curious at how it went thats all" He says

"Why?" I ask

"Because I wondered if that had something to do with whatever happened this morning to make you in a mood" He replies

"Last night went really well, they liked me a lot" I say

"Thats good and surprising" He says

"Oh thanks" I reply

"No I don't mean that" He says " I just meant that his parents haven't liked any of his girlfriends"

"So I've heard" I sigh

"It's good they like you, makes it easier for him" He says

"Yeah" I say

"What happened this morning that got you upset?" He asked

"Your kinda nosey" I reply

"Sorry, I just don't want to see you upset thats all like I know we've had a lot of shit go on but I didn't mean it and I really did want to be friends" He says

"You were really horrible to me Ethan" I say

"I know and I'm really sorry, I was so jealous of Sam and it pissed me off that you like him more then me" He says

"You told me who I could and couldn't date and I really wanted to be friends with you" I say

"Im really sorry about everything, I just really want to move on from this" He says

"How are we suppose to be friends if I'm going out with one of the people you hate" I ask

"It'll take a minute to get used to him being in the group plus whoever his friends are that he brings with him but ill get over it. I want to be friends" He says

"Not just for our sisters?" I ask

"No for us" He says

"Ok I think I could try to move on, just don't call me a slut or a deck you like Tom did" I smiled

"Deal. I am still really sorry for that and thank you again for sticking up for me when those people were attacking us" He says

"It's ok, no one deserves that kind of abuse" I say

*Bell Rings*

"So do you think we can hug and move on?" He asks

"Yeah I think so" I reply

"Can I hug you?" He asks

"Yeah I don't want to be fighting with anyone" I say

We hugged and then packed up our stuff, we have to put our desktops in the back room so no one can ruin them. I feel good that I can move on from this and that it's going to keep Taylor off my back as a result from it too.

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