42 - Frozen Over

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First, the strap of the bag filled with some of the produce snapped, sending it all tumbling to the pavement as I started walking away from my car in the parking lot.

Second, when I got home I realized the elevator was undergoing repairs, so I had to take the stairs up several floors with my groceries in tow.

Third, I was reminded of the fact that I forgot my favorite snack, which might've been worst of all.

Well, no. Maybe that was dramatic.

But eventually I reached our floor and shoved the stairwell door open. A frustrated huff escaped my lips as I started down the hall towards the apartment. When I reached it, I was operating on the assumption that Levi was home and available to come to the door, because he was scheduled to get home before me today. As such, I knocked as best I could with my hands full, the sound admittedly weak but at least doing the job.

I waited a moment, and then another for good measure. There was no answer. "Levi," I called through the door, "are you there? I've kinda got my hands full."

Still, nothing.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I huffed, starting to put my things down. As soon as one hand was free, I fished into my purse for my keys, grabbed them, and... dropped them.

Today just could not get any worse.

But there was little else to be done but pick them up, and so I did. I picked them up and unlocked the door, letting it swing open. I picked the bags up and hauled them through the doorway. I nudged the door closed behind me with one foot and took another step forward before remembering my shoe was covered in that shit from the parking lot and so I did what I could to pull it off before trailing it through the apartment.

I glanced up towards the living room, noticing Levi sitting at the couch. He was leaning forward, his elbows against his knees and his head in his hands. Seeing him like that, so visibly upset by something, had all my worries and sadness from the day melting away.

I finally managed to pull my shoes off and I set all the bags down gently, trying to make as little noise as possible. "Levi," I called gently, approaching him slowly. "Are you alright?"

No answer.

That seemed to be a running theme, today. That and my shitty, rotten, no-good luck.

"Baby," I said, "talk to me, please."

When I lowered myself to the couch next to him, there was no reaction. I hesitated before reaching out to him. Something about him... or perhaps something about the stifling air in this apartment... had me feeling a bit wary.

I felt a strange wad of nerves form deep in my belly, one that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. I felt almost like a prey animal, one that was doing its best not to be spotted by a large predator, walking unknowingly towards it all the same.

No, I'm just being silly. I had nothing to be scared of.

I looked over at the table. Because he'd gotten home of course before me, he'd grabbed the mail on his way in, and the small pile of bills and junk and advertisements sat atop the table. One stood out. It was just before him on the table, and by the looks of the envelope it was official.

So official, in fact, that it looked like it was from-

"What are you doing?"

Finally, he spoke. But his tone was sharp, confrontational, and it had all my thoughts coming to a sudden stop.

I shifted my focus from the envelope to him. "Checking on you," I said weakly, the measly prey now caught by the hunter. "You seemed upset."

"I'm fine."

Long Time, No See - Levi x Reader (Modern!AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora