Chapter 2 - A Fresh Start

Start from the beginning

Mariah looks away from her computer as he walks towards his office. "How did the meeting go?"

"It was boring but productive," Cole grumbles.

"Productivity leads to income. Isn't that what you always say?" She smirks after lobbing his own words at him.

Cole frowns at his loyal assistant. "I see you're being a wise-ass today."

He and Mariah have an informal relationship. They met during one of his many wild nights in college. He pursued her, but she wasn't interested. They became good friends. Years later the woman who previously held Mariah's position was promoted. Cole asked Mariah if she wanted the job and she accepted.

"I'm always a wise ass." Her shoulders shrug. "Jules loves that about me."

He grins at the reminder that she's going through a proclaimed 'girl phase.' Mariah doesn't like labels. She'll never refer to herself as bisexual although she's dated men and women for as long as Cole has known her. She has an attraction to blondes which led to a wild night involving her, Cole, and a campus cheerleader.

"Cristiana is going to get her friend to bring her here to meet you at eleven. You'll need to put her things in your car."

"It's a good thing I drove my truck today. Have you met her?"

"I saw her yesterday when she and Rachel were looking for you. She's gorgeous, but I'm not single currently."

He rolls his eyes. "I don't think you're her type. What did you think of her personality?" Mariah has a way of reading people better than most. She claims it has something to do with her Louisiana roots. Her grandmother was a rumored witch.

"I wasn't around her long enough to pick up on her personality, but there's something in her eyes that's concerning." Her response unsettles him. "I sense that she's been through a rough bout of life lately."

"I sensed the same thing. I don't know if I should trust her to take care of my son."

Mariah waves away his concern. "She's definitely trustworthy. She has the brightest aura I've seen in a long time."

"I hope you're right."

"I usually am right about these things. You better get a move on."

Flipping over his wrist, Cole checks his watch. It's already 10:50. He makes his way to the elevator and impatiently rides down to the floor with the overpass that leads to the parking garage. Cole makes his way to his black Mercedes Benz X-Class, imported from South Africa, and tosses his suit jacket and necktie on the backseat. A black Toyota slowly drives past him. It stops mere feet away. He watches it with interest. The passenger door opens and Cristiana steps out. Her hair is in a sloppy ponytail. Dark bags are beneath her eyes. Her bottom lip is slightly swollen with a cut that makes Cole flinch when his eyes land on it. Memories of her odd behavior the night before fill his mind. There is something concerning going on with the new nanny. Whatever it is better not interfere with her caring for his son.

"Do you mind if we postpone brunch?" She slowly walks toward him. "I'm really tired." Her face is pinched tight with pain.

Suspicion pricks the back of his neck. "That's fine. We can go over the contract at the house." He looks past her as a tall man with dark skin steps out of the car.

The man makes his way over and extends his hand. "I'm Derrick."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Cole."

"She's dragging today, but there's not a lot of stuff." Derrick lifts the lid of the trunk. "I can follow you and help unload."

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