Chapter Two

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When Principal Nezu had said 'now', Shiyo and I hadn't been expecting to be whisked away then and there. From the meeting room we were led out of Kiran Guard Academy and into two separate black cars. According to Principal Nezu, Shiyo's father had requested that his son returned home to collect his things. My parents had already dropped me my belongings at UA. I didn't really expect any less. Finally, their disappointment of a daughter wasn't being such a disappointment after all.

During the car ride, Principal Nezu chatted fondly of his school, the students that attended, the teachers, etc. However, as I tried to listen to my new Principal, I couldn't help but feel anxious. When I was younger, my parents hired an at home Tutor for me. How did the Doctors word it again? 'too dangerous to be mingling with other children' I believe is what they were told. I suppose that's when my relationship with my parents began to become strained. After all, who wouldn't be cautious when the Doctor had deemed your child unstable. I was home schooled until I was fifteen. There was an incident between the tutor and myself, she didn't return for work the next day and a law suit was on my fathers desk the following week.

That's when Kiran Guard Academy reached out to my parents. During the court trials for the law suit, the Judge had contacted them regarding me. My parents believed it to be a gift from God, I believed it to be a punishment fit for hell. But, looking on the bright side, I met Shiyo and he's been the only person in my life where I felt I didn't have to try and strangle my quirk to keep it hidden.

"Ms Hiruka, calm down please, you are making the car swerve" Principal Nezu asked calmly. If he was scared, he showed no signs for what I could see. Immediately jumping to my senses, the car straightened once more instead of drifting left and right. I hung my head,

"I'm so sorry, Principal Nezu; I swear, I didn't mean-"

"Think nothing of it, Ms Hiruka! As I said back in the meeting room, when we are able to hone your skills slightly, we wont have to worry about accidents like this, will we" Nezu interrupted with a kind smile.

I wish it were as simple as that?


"Do I really have to meet my class now, Principal Nezu? Its halfway through the day already, wouldn't it be a better idea to wait until tomorrow?" I asked, clutching my grey cardigan around me. After arriving at UA, I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. After all, UA was much grander than Kiran Guard Academy. Kiran Guard Academy was a more dated building that had refurbishment after refurbishment to keep the building in one piece, whereas UA Academy was had more of a modern style to it.

"Nonsense! Your class should be well within their study period by now so its the perfect time for your introduction. Shiyo will be joining you for tea with your new classmates, no need to worry" Nezu chattered away as we reached a large looking door. Did 1A really have students this tall?

Principal Nezu knocked three times on the door and a tired looking man answered. He had long, unkept hair, big purple eye bags and the beginnings of a beard along his jaw. The mans eyes drifted from Nezu to me, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to sum up the situation.

"Nezu, how can I help you?" the man asked, looking down at the Principal once again before his eyes flickered back to me

"Ah, Aizawa! This is Ms Hiruka, one of the new students that will be joining the class. I briefed you in our meeting yesterday?"

"I thought there was meant to be two of them?" the man Aizawa replied as he finally nodded in acknowledgement towards me. Does that mean he accepts me? Am I really gonna be okay here?

"Mr Todoroki will be joining the class tonight for their tea."

Aizawa nodded in understanding before bidding Nezu goodbye. He began to walk back into his classroom and, not really knowing what I was meant to be doing, I staggered in after him like a lost puppy. Suddenly, all eyes were on me. I could feel my cheeks heating up under the gaze of so many eyes and a quiet whisper had broken out among the students in the classroom.

"Right, we have a new student. I expect you to treat her as an equal," Aizawa announced. "Introduce yourself to the class, Ms Hiruka, I'm going to finish my nap."

And just like that, the disorientated looking man, crawled into a yellow sleeping bag that was laid askew on his desk and soft snores could be heard from inside. I turned from my new Sensei's sleeping form back to the people in front of me. My heart hammered against my chest as I scanned the many faces in the classroom. One of the people I made eye contact with, a girl with pink skin and cute jagged horns, smiled at me which made me feel a little better.

"Um, I've never really done this before," I said, my face scrunching in frustration as I tried to find the words to say

"Take your time, trust us, this is way better then having to pour over Hero History 101" called out a boy close to the back. What stood out from the boy was the black lightening bolt that stood out from the rest of his deep blonde locks. He grinned widely at me and his comment earned a few chuckles from the rest of the class.

"Okay, right," I began. "My name is Hiruka Sasori but my friends usually call me Hiro. I was completely unaware that I was attending here until like an hour ago. In my spare time I play videogames mostly and I go on the odd run. Any questions?"

A hand shot straight up

"What's your quirk?" the boy with the green hair and freckles asked. He seemed to have some sort of notebook at the ready which I found bizarre but I answered him anyway,

"My Quirk is known as Techno. Unfortunately, only a handful of people in the world have this Quirk so not much is known about it. From what I've discovered myself, I can travel through electric currents, kind of like teleportation. But that's all I'm gonna tell you cause I gotta keep some tricks up my sleeve."

Another hand shot up whilst the green haired boy scribbled feverishly in his notebook,

"You attended Kiran Guard Academy, do you know someone of the name Todoroki Shiyo?"

So this must be Shiyo's twin brother. They didn't hold much resemblance at all and it could pass that they weren't related.

"I do" I replied, looking to move on from the subject but the boy pressed further

"How do you know him?"

"Um, he's in, well, used to be in my class"

"Does he get on well there?

"I guess, I-"

"Is he-"

A loud tch came from the row behind Todoroki. A boy with ash blonde hair scowled at him and rocked back on his chair so his legs were on the desk.

"Stop grilling her, icy-hot" the angry looking boy said. Todoroki frowned but said nothing more. The ash blonde looked at me before clicking his tongue again and looking back to his workbook in front of him. The girl with pink skin put her hand up,

"There's a desk next to me you can have Hiruka!"

Quickly, I made my way to the desk next to her and felt immediately better as everybody began to get back on with their work, diverting their attention away from me. I smiled at the pink girl thankfully. Thank god this was the last lesson of the day. My mind drifted to Shiyo as the pink girl introduced herself as Mina and started to point to classmates and put names to faces. I hope he's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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