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back at it again at crispy cream
(If u know u know🤣😂)

Bakugou's pov:

I wake up with the nerd on my chest snoring and drooling all over me but even like this he is cute

Bakugou- hey nerd get up

The nerd shifts trying to dig his face further into my chest

Bakugou- nerd I made kutsudon

His eyes immediately shoot open

Izuku- where

I chuckle to myself looking at the hope and exitment in his eyes as he quickly sits up

Bakugou- so I might have not made that but know your up

I look back at him to see him have a pouty look on his face

Bakugou- dunce was right when your mad you do look like a sad puppy

Izuku- mhmph

Bakugou- I can make some if u want

I watch as izuku jumps up and and jumps on me. Luckily I catch my self . I go into the kitchen in the dorm and start making the food and then when I'm finished I bring it upstairs to deku to make it not suspicious of me making food for him.

Denki's pov:

I wake up with kiri's arms around me. I snuggle closer to him.i feel him start to get up so get up too

Kirishma- good morning

Denki- good morning, sorry I fell asleep watching the movie when I chose it

Kirishma- it's fine, I'm just worried about midobro

Denki- why?

Kirishma- well last night I hear load banging noises form there room and screaming

I almost burst out laughing. I feel so and for kiri for having to hear that but I find it so funny that he thought it was fighting and glad

Denki- oh really?

Kirishma- I think we should go check on him

It's so hard to contain a laugh that I'm buying my lip to contain it

Denki- I'm sure he is fine

Kirishma- okay... Well I'm going anyway and you can come if you want 

Denki- fine I'll come

I'm just going to see izuku and bakugou's reaction to what kiri is going to say

We get dressed into are normal day clothes and then walk out of are dorm to izuku and bakugou's that's right next to me and kiri's. Kiri nicks on the door and we hear shuffling and then izuku opens it.

Kirishma- we just came by to ask if you are okay I heard a lot of banging noises and screaming form your room and wanted to see if bakubro murdered or hurt you

I watch as izuku's face turned a bright red and his face turned all flustered

Izuku- y-ya I'm f-fine

I start to snicker to myself and that earns me a glare for m bakugou who just showed up next to izuku

Bakugou- what the hell do you fuckers want

Kirishma- we just came to ask if izuku was okay cause I heard a lot of screaming and banging noises form your room last night

I watched as a light blush spread across bakugou's face. I didn't even know his face could do that. I couldn't hold it in any longer I burst out laughing at how akward the situation was.

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