Chapter 4: Big Hero 6

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The movie starts with the screen being covered by clouds then panned up to show a bridge with massive metal torii gates holding up the suspensions that kept the bridge up. Beyond the bridge, the movie revealed a city with tall skyscrapers and bright lights.

"Wow what a colorful and bright city," Mina exclaims.

"Reminds me of a city from when I was in America," All Might reminisces.

"I remember when I would drive you around the cities as you did your patrols," David says, nudging All Might.

"That bridge looks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, but why does it have torii gates as supports?" Melissa asks, seeing the bridge.

"The movie might explain it maybe," Midoriya answers.

"Imagine knowing about places in America," Kaminari whispers to Sero.

"Must be nice..." Sero whispers back.

The movie then showed a port, with many boats docked, and a large building with the neon lights of "Port of San Fransokyo".

"San Fransokyo?" Jirou asks, reading the sign.

"Why is it called that?" Uraraka questions.

"It seems as though San Francisco and Tokyo have combined into one," Midoriya hypotheses.

"Why were they combined though?" Kirishma asks Midoriya.

"I don't know actually, but maybe it shows allegiance maybe?" Midoriya answers unsure.

Moving beyond the port, the scene changed to reveal many skyscrapers that seemed as if they could pierce the heavens and color lights that brightened the night sky. Colorful floating turbines can be seen, high above the ground nearing the same heights as the skyscrapers.

"Look at the size of those skyscrapers!" Kaminari points out.

"Those things are huge!" Kouta exclaims with stars in his eyes.

"Wow, those turbines are floating. Maybe I can-" Mei starts to get ideas, but is quickly stopped by Midoriya.

"Mei, no."


"No. You can take notes and I will help you with your inventions after the movie is over. Deal?"

"Fine. Still it is amazing how they were able to make those turbines float above the city," Mei says, getting closer to Midoriya.

"I know right! Being able to lift turbines in the air, they can power the city while still leaving room to build underneath," Midoriya adds, not realizing that Mei got closer.

Mei sits back on the couch as she calms down. Uraraka and Melissa begin to feel uneasy about how close Mei and Midoriya interact with each other.

"Why am I feeling this way?" They both question themselves.

The scene once again changed with the camera going underneath different train tracks fading out as it reveals an ominous alleyway where loud thuds can be heard.

"What was that?" Sero asks, concerned.

The kids start to cling to Midoriya as the screen starts to zoom into the alleyway.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good," answered Ojiro.

A lonely light in the alley flickers back to life, but almost dies out as the thuds continue, closer and louder than before. Then in a bright arena, two bots, one with scissor hands and the other with a shield and claw, clash against each other fighting for dominance.

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